Ryanchartrand's Blog (8)

How to make candidates believe your employment brand

If there's one thing I've learned about employment branding in reality, it's that an employment brand alone really won't get you anywhere.

You might have your ad agency put together a fancy ad that resembles the key points of your employment brand and has imagery that encompasses the culture of your company. But even that only gets you so far.

There comes a point in a candidate's experience of your employment brand's message that they either buy into and believe your… Continue

Added by ryanchartrand on August 12, 2009 at 7:04pm — 2 Comments

10 ways to promote your social recruiting campaign in-house

As I wrap up a social recruiting campaign with a client (and yes, links will come once it launches...tomorrow), I thought I'd write about building an in-house promotion campaign you can run to get your social recruiting campaign off the ground and running (a post I've actually never seen anyone else do before surprisingly).

So why promote in-house? The answer is obvious (hopefully): your employees are your greatest resource when building any kind of social media campaign,… Continue

Added by ryanchartrand on June 23, 2009 at 2:31pm — No Comments

Welcome to the Recruitment Content War

Recruitment Content War On #talentnet they raised the issue that since everything on Twitter is public, there's no way for a recruiter to gain any sort of competitive advantage.

Take LinkedIn or a job board, for example. On LinkedIn, you pay to get access to everyone's profiles, otherwise your network is limited to who you know. On a job board, you pay extra to get your job posting at the top of the search results, or… Continue

Added by ryanchartrand on April 30, 2009 at 6:30pm — 7 Comments

It's time to take 'social recruiting' to the next level

As I was writing up a 'social media recruiting guide' for a client today, I had one of my many epiphanies:

We are finally to the point where social media can become REALLY powerful for recruitment.

Now you might be thinking, "Golly, it's been pretty powerful already hasn't it?" Yes, you just thought "Golly."

Yes and no. Yes, it's done wonders to help recruiters find talent and to help companies brand themselves as the ultimate employers of… Continue

Added by ryanchartrand on April 23, 2009 at 3:11pm — 1 Comment

Microsoft nails it with recruiter profiles on careers site

I've always been a fan of Microsoft's online recruitment efforts, and their latest addition is actually something I've suggested before: recruiter profiles on your jobs site. Michael Marlatt, are you reading this?

Take a look:

Microsoft Recruiter Profile A nice mug shot, division within Microsoft he… Continue

Added by ryanchartrand on February 13, 2009 at 1:30pm — 25 Comments

Dos and Don'ts for careers sites

Just posted a new vidcast about the dos and don'ts for careers sites. Check it out here or read below:

I'm in the midst of consulting a client on how to make their careers site more effective, and every time I do some research to take a look at what companies are doing out there, I get rather depressed seeing how terrible careers sites are these days.

They are the single most important part of any company's site, as… Continue

Added by ryanchartrand on February 12, 2009 at 11:40am — No Comments

The ideal experience for the passive candidate online

Have you ever put yourself in the shoes of a passive candidate?

It’s a dreadful experience. You’re happy with your job, you enjoy your coworkers, salary and benefits. The last thing you’re thinking about is working somewhere else.

Yet in the back of your mind is that little voice telling you it’s time for change. “Hey, we’ve been doing this for 5 years now! Can we move on, already?!”

Your goal then as a recruiter is to talk to that little voice, to convince the… Continue

Added by ryanchartrand on January 7, 2009 at 2:00am — 1 Comment

Social networking recruiting in a coordinated campaign

Check out my quick video blog about the recent buzz about social networking and how it can be used for recruitment. I’ve spent many long nights compiling thoughts and strategies about social networking recruiting and think this will be the start of a video blog series on my findings (should anyone care to hear them).

Most importantly is the idea of having a targeted, coordinated campaign that connects your recruiting efforts… Continue

Added by ryanchartrand on January 6, 2009 at 11:30am — 3 Comments


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