Jessica Nicholas's Blog (6)

Black Friday Search Syndrome

I have a theory that the majority of Black Friday shoppers actually lose money by hitting the stores early to get the "best" deals. I'd love to see a study reviewing lists of items shoppers go out with the intent to purchase with a comparison of the total cost of only those items before Black Friday, as well as the total cost of ALL items purchased during Black Friday shopping. I know, I sound Grinchy. I think all that beautiful marketing and crowd effect makes people forget if they even really… Continue

Added by Jessica Nicholas on November 26, 2010 at 12:59am — 5 Comments

Timing, timing, timing!

If real estate has "location, location, location" then recruitment should certainly coin "timing, timing, timing" for our industry!

Once, I had a candidate in final stages with a client on a Friday. I was buzzing about my weekend happy as a bee. Monday morning, I learn the hiring manager went to lunch over the weekend and bumped into someone that used to work for them at a different company, but they hadn't seen each other in 10 years. They got to talking about their current companies… Continue

Added by Jessica Nicholas on November 15, 2010 at 11:22am — 17 Comments

Where do job descriptions go to die?

I wish I could find a lovely place to send job descriptions to die.

You know what I want instead? Job clouds.

Doesn't that sound lovely?

A job cloud is a lovely, puffy arrangement of projects and functions that need to be completed in order for a company to be successful. Job clouds can overlap across functional areas as the needs of the company change and the people in each cloud can change as their experience and education…


Added by Jessica Nicholas on November 11, 2010 at 10:53am — 4 Comments

Things worth doing are worth doing now.

I heard that if you have a goal, you should never say that you're going to start it sometime in the future. Don't say, "I'll start that tomorrow morning" or "I'll do that after ____" because it creates a sense of non-urgency in your subconscious. If you can put it off for awhile, why bother doing it at all? If you want to achieve something, fully commit by taking the first step RIGHT NOW.

Nearly every HR and recruiting conference has a session about "The Future of Recruiting." What… Continue

Added by Jessica Nicholas on October 27, 2010 at 11:00am — No Comments

3 Immediate (and FREE!) Ways to Make Your Dream Job Your Real Job

After attending RecruitFest a couple weeks ago, one session has been echoing in my mind. It was about increasing your influence and becoming a leader, but it also offered great advice about finding your path and being happy. You've probably read articles that say, "Think about what you would you do if money didn't matter..." Well, it DOES matter for most people, so that's maybe not a helpful approach to finding a happier,… Continue

Added by Jessica Nicholas on October 20, 2010 at 1:30pm — 5 Comments

Making a Fresh Offer to a Prior Candidate – Goldmine or Landmine?

If you’re in HR or a recruiter, you’ve had offers declined. What I find absolutely enchanting about such a miserable outcome is the underlying qualities that sneak out during this downhill process. AND, what if the candidate who declined is really the best candidate for the job?!?

Sometimes the most impressive candidates can suddenly get nasty during offer negotiation. They can become arrogant and demanding in their communications, suddenly ask for $20K more than they’d…


Added by Jessica Nicholas on October 14, 2010 at 3:39pm — 6 Comments


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