Vicki Z. Lauter's Blog (10)

Cats, Ghosts and Other Scary Stuff

In true Halloween fashion I could not resist using the title to represent the different type of individuals that make a team function (or not function) as the case may be for some of you reading this.

In Patrick Lencioni’s best-selling book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, he tells us a story about one firm’s executive team struggling with utter dysfunction. Ineffective communication, multiple egos, fear, office politics and judgmental attitudes were all contributing to the absence… Continue

Added by Vicki Z. Lauter on October 26, 2009 at 3:22pm — No Comments

Keeping Your Talented Managers

Recognizing and developing talent is a constant challenge for any company. Today's challenge is to produce more, and better results with few employees for customers who demand more value-add for less effort and cost.

Do YOU have the talent to meet this challenge?

In his book Good to Great, Jim Collins uses the 'bus' business metaphor. he says great leaders understand three simple truths:

* If you begin with the "Who" rather than the "What," you can more easily… Continue

Added by Vicki Z. Lauter on September 30, 2009 at 4:09pm — No Comments

What Get's YOU Out of Bed In the Morning?

I'm talking about motivation. Do you know what motivates your employees to get out of bed in the morning? With Millennials in the workforce, employers are scrambling to "figure them out." What do they like and dislike? What are their goals? What motivates them? But when you attempt to answer these questions, generalization isn't effective. Each person is unique and it is the understanding of what makes them an individual will will make or break your… Continue

Added by Vicki Z. Lauter on September 22, 2009 at 1:27pm — No Comments

Ten Strategies to Keep Your Good People

Incorporate the following steps as part of your talent management strategy and you're sure to have employee retention.

1. Set Expectations; have a clear, concise description of the job and the expectations of the person in that job.

2. Move your talented people around the organization, let them experience other jobs in the… Continue

Added by Vicki Z. Lauter on September 6, 2009 at 3:58pm — 2 Comments

Arm Yourself with Succession Planning Initiatives Before It's Too Late

We have all heard the hype on the baby boomers and the void they will leave in the workforce. In addition, the growing skills gap and talent shortage leave many organizations concerned about the future. This very concern has fueled a talent war as companies compete for highly skilled executives and superior performers to fill the void.

You don't have to take shelter yet. Succession planning is your best… Continue

Added by Vicki Z. Lauter on August 26, 2009 at 5:53pm — 1 Comment

Create a Shared Culture as Part of Your Overall Talent Management Strategy

Health care leaders need to employ patience and persistence if they're going to create a beneficial, shared culture in a growing system.


Health care systems with a strong culture ensure that their environment is represented in all of its offices or operations. To achieve this, the organization must apply and measure the same processes, policies and rules throughout the field. If there is a significant variance, then the culture will not be seen as important or a… Continue

Added by Vicki Z. Lauter on August 9, 2009 at 4:37pm — No Comments

Four Key Steps to Develop Future Leaders

The changing demographics of our country have been making headlines. As the population ages and baby boomers begin to retire, labor shortages seem imminent and in some cases, potentially catastrophic. Most of the forecasts focus on a dwindling pool of applicants for entry level positions. However, leading edge health care organizations also have to be able to replace key leaders with little interruption to the business.

A number of hospitals and health networks are turning to… Continue

Added by Vicki Z. Lauter on July 29, 2009 at 10:41am — 1 Comment

Facing Talent Challenges Today

To meet today’s challenges, companies world-wide are searching for ways to do more with less. While many strategies offer streamlined processes and ways to add value, the biggest opportunities to meet this challenge lie within the talent themselves and are critical to future success:

• Finding the right talent

• Retaining your top performers

• Ensuring your best employees have the opportunity to thrive

Managing talent can be tough, but it doesn’t have to be. The… Continue

Added by Vicki Z. Lauter on July 23, 2009 at 10:43am — 1 Comment

Is Ready, Fire, Aim Your Talent Management Strategy?

Many businesses are still practicing talent mismanagement through "fire, ready, aim" rather than "ready, fire, aim!" Although you might get lucky and this approach may work, implementing a more logical and effective talent management process for selecting top talent is the key to your company's future success.

The approach starts with a clear definition of the key jobs your company has to fill. You will have a much better chance… Continue

Added by Vicki Z. Lauter on July 13, 2009 at 6:12pm — No Comments

What Makes Me a Smart Recruiter?

I’m Real. I market, use technology and source just like the next recruiter; what you see, hear or read from me is what you get. I honor and respect all relationships and don’t take them lightly whether it’s a client or fellow recruiter. I believe in doing the right thing even if it means I may lose money or business.

I believe in and see the good in people; candidates, clients and my fellow recruiters. My glass is always FULL and like the Velveteen Rabbit being connected and… Continue

Added by Vicki Z. Lauter on December 30, 2008 at 4:31pm — No Comments


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