Reflections from My Brief Period as the Temporary Future Owner of Recruitingblogs

Yep.  I was in there.  Mentally I was already making my plans.......but I've already been outbid and the auction doesn't end for 11 more days.  What auction? This one. This place. Here. "We" are for sale!


Am I cut out for blog ownership?  Nope.  I'm a recruiter.


Would I be bummed out if the next owner of RBC decided to turn the place into something that wouldn't even resemble the place we've come to know and love?  You bet. 


So for a brief moment I threw my meager hat in the ring.  I'd make sure nothing changed.  I would police the spammers and con artists.  I was ready to ensure the one true "watering hole" out here - in this giant web world - remained.


Dear future owner(s):  Please don't come here and try to make RecruitingBlogs something it is not.  It's a very simple gathering place for the recruiters of the world. 

Views: 141

Comment by Recruiting Animal on June 10, 2011 at 3:57pm
Jerry I have a feeling that you're going to be the guy
Comment by Valentino Martinez on June 11, 2011 at 4:04am

The curse or blessing that can come with CHANGE is that it can become a BLESSING or a CURSE,...or something in between.


To Jerry's point--"New owner(s) of you are--please pick the brain; the heart; and the soul of Mr. SLOUCH if you want to know what'll be good for US.  He had a great idea and made it real...and we've all come to appreciate it and him for the result.

Comment by Dennis Smith on June 11, 2011 at 11:46am
Valentino, you forgot to mention "pick his nose."  With everything else, I agree 110%.
Comment by Valentino Martinez on June 11, 2011 at 2:31pm
Dennis,  If picking your nose is how you get gold nuggets of information, more power to you.  I would pass on that exercise for purely sanitary reasons.
Comment by Suzanne Levison on June 13, 2011 at 12:26pm
Well, "Build It and They Will Come"
Comment by Jerry Albright on June 14, 2011 at 12:49pm
Mike - I don't think the goal of the next owner would be to scrap the domain name and remove the ads.  There are probably hundreds of fun recruiting site names available - this is a community.
Comment by Slouch on June 14, 2011 at 12:51pm
Hey Mike,  This is how it happened. Last night I was sitting in a movie theater watching the new x men movie. My email buzzed and I saw there was a bid for 12,500 then it buzzed again a few minutes later with a bid of 15k. then it buzzed maybe a minute after that with a bid of 20k and then a few hours after that it buzzed again with a bid of 25k and then this morning someone put in a bid for $25,100. Here is a link to the bidding history.
Comment by David Manaster on June 14, 2011 at 3:59pm
The new X-Men movie is awesome.
Comment by Jerry Albright on June 14, 2011 at 4:03pm
We rented The Green Hornet last weekend.  #Lame
Comment by Slouch on June 14, 2011 at 4:11pm
I think I have seen Donnie Brasco 8 times.


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