What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?

It's an easy question for a Kindergarten student?

Not so easy for adults.

Views: 78

Comment by Angelique Valentino on June 2, 2008 at 2:46pm
I've been a social worker, marriage and family therapist, and now a recruiter for the past 10 years. I don't think people should limit themselves to one path in life, because you never know what you might like (and be good at). My college counselor told me to go into "Human Resources" and I thought "boring--paperwork--no thanks!". Years later I found out about recruiting through temping in H.R. after social work burned me out. I don't think many of us know exactly what we want, but my motto is "do what you love" and my love is helping people in some shape or form. I don't get frustrated or depressed over helping companies and candidates come together, I've really found my match.
Comment by Erica Romeo on June 2, 2008 at 2:54pm

Did you know there actually are Princess Hairdressers working in Disneyworld? They have a salon inside the castle where little girls can go and get the royal treatment. It just goes to show, "if you can dream it, you can become it".

Comment by Sally Raade on June 2, 2008 at 3:43pm
Hi Dennis,

When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a real princess so I can meet my prince charming.
The real story; My mom always called me a princess- since I didn't like to do my chores...hahaha...

Now that I'm a little taller, I know some of the things I don't want to be.
Right now, I love doing what I'm doing...

Have a great week!

Comment by Dennis Smith on June 2, 2008 at 3:51pm
Good stuff! I agree with you R & A - I've also found my match and I've never looked back. I really believe we're just flat-out lucky to get to do what we do.

Thanks Erica - you are spot on.

Comment by Dennis Smith on June 2, 2008 at 3:55pm
Sally - isn't that the truth. I can definitely tell you all the things I don't want to do.

What's crazy is...my undergrad is Public Administration, but I don't want to do that either! I'll just get my public service fix in via volunteerism!

Comment by Julie Hankins on June 13, 2008 at 11:18am
My lil guy just graduated from preschool and wants to be a race car driver, an astronaut and a Daddy when he grows up. the need for speed!!! It has changed from "being a car" (aka Lightning McQueen) to a race car driver though!

Me? I actually "finally" feel grown up! (did I really say that!) Seriously, being a recruiter is one of the 2 things I wanted to be when I was in High School - the other one was a Neonatologist ... pre-med 2 years and that was not going to happen! Couldn't see myself in school for 10 more years.... but I didn't have the confidence to start recruiting at the ripe old age of 21 when I graduated, so I was a teacher until I "grew up enough" to feel like I could be successful in recruiting.

That was about 8 years ago.... and I am sometimes taken aback that I did "grow up!"


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