Recruitment - good days and bad days

Aaahhh it’s happened again – 23 years recruiting and clients still have the capacity to hit you where it really really hurts.  So you are working away on a contingency assignment,  the client has changed the profile twice but despite everything you have the final two candidates in for final round – they like both, both like the company and one of them will be offered the role.  This is a senior role and the fee is a big one.  You know what it’s like – the commission is spent and I think it’s in the bag.  Suddenly there is an announcement – the CEO is leaving and a new one is coming in and everything goes on hold but there are reassurances all round that this won’t affect the outcome.  Like any pro I am already sensing a problem so start to mention that if the spec changes that we should go through an exec search process etc  etc.  I have been here before.  


The new CEO arrives and with no great surprise within three days both of those great final candidates are rejected the role profile is being changed.  My Hr contact is very apologetic but I write to her and say that these things happen (who is soothing who?) but that I would be prepared to start again. As the role has become even more senior we need to start an exec search process.  The next morning an email comes in from my mortified HR contact that despite the fact that I have provided an excellent service, that I have identified candidates that match the brief exactly, that I work well with all of them they have decided to go down an exec search route with another supplier. No opportunity to put in a bid – no opportunity to meet the new CEO – the deal is done.  That is a kick right where it hurts.  Life in recruitment has many rewards but there are days…….

Views: 655

Comment by Jacqui on September 30, 2011 at 5:39am
Thanks everyone for your comments - yes you are not alone.  Anyway like all good recruiters I have dusted myself down and moved on.  Another day another
Comment by Dan Hunter on September 30, 2011 at 7:38am

Christ how annoying Jacqui, i had this happen recently with 3 senior hires.  The head of the business area asked me to get 3 people from a competitor, which i did, he interviewed them and then decided he wasn't going to hire after all.  The lesson here, i'm not doing that again unless i get a retainer.


I reckon its worth asking for one in future and if they mess you about mid way at least you've got something to show for it.  But i appreciate it doesn't help you now, sorry to hear you got dumped on from a great height :-(

Comment by Jeremy Spring on September 30, 2011 at 10:21am

At least you get to work for Euros.  We're here toiling away our livelihoods for a forlorn dollar.



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