So the world is supposed to end in 2012.  The only real reason that I know about this is, when I asked my daughter if she was excited about the new year, she told me the world is supposed to end.  If the Mayan calendar is correct, this is it.

No need to worry, she doesn’t believe it.  We don’t need counseling at this point.  However, the world as we know it is ending.  Change is constant, and looking back at recruiting over the past 10 years or so you see that we are living in a completely different world.

Change is good, and interesting, and fun.  The change this industry has gone through is great.  It will continue to change and nobody can predict with any certainty exactly how that change will go.  Embrace that change and you’re living in the real world.  Ignore it and it may be the end of your participation in that world.

Todd Kmiec

Todd Kmiec and Associates 

Views: 191

Comment by Tim Spagnola on January 3, 2012 at 9:11am

Adapt and continue forward. Best to you in 2012 Todd.

Comment by Jerry Albright on January 3, 2012 at 9:41am

Actually I was just thinking the opposite.  Last year was a good one.  Hopefully anyone reading this can say the same. 

When I reflect on why that is - it comes down to pretty much the same thing it's been each year.  Talking to the right people, making the right commitments and following through with them.  Technology may be changing - but as of yet there hasn't been a technology to come along that can do any of these things for me.

Year over year my success comes from meeting any client who will see me - working as hard as I can to follow through on what we've agreed to - and expecting them to do the same - making appropriate decisions along the way.

Have a good year guys!

Comment by Suresh on January 3, 2012 at 10:55am

Funny, my 10 yr talks about the end of the world as well, because of the Mayan prediction and the movie.


Looks like we in the US are coming out of the Great Recession and its been a true lesson learned, for many of us who have been directly or indirectly affected. Truly believe this would make young grads understand the importance "what one needs vs what one wants" and prioritise.

The single biggest invention of our lifetime has been the internet (atleast compared to newspapers, radio, tv etc) and its truly changing the world in ways we are yet to understand. Education is becoming more open (kids in remote villages of the world can learn with the tools that did not exist), cultures are changing rapidly, freedom is being demanded in parts of the world, its becoming less important where you are located..and so on.


Looking forward to all this and more for the better...Happy New Year


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