50 Friends I Met in Twitterland- You MUST Meet

Twitterland is a real place.  Well, that is what I keep telling myself.  There are people from all over the world there.  It is like having them next door to you.  No time zones, and instant communication. All you need to go there is a computer or a smart phone.  Before you go to Twitterland though, understand it is hard to get out of this place.  You can get lost there easily.  It is so big that it would take an entire lifetime to navigate through.  

I have had fun in Twitterland, but I have to tell you, it doesn't pay my bills and my family gets sick of me going there because I often get lost.  In January, I wrote a post called A Quest For A Thousand Twitter Followers.  It is now May and I should be crossing that finish line soon.  I am rounding 3rd base. 

I wanted to take a moment on a Friday afternoon, to make a call-out to all of the people I have met in Twitterland.  Friends.  People that I genuinely have gotten to know and respect.  I didn't want to write about me. Instead, I  wanted to let others know what I already know.  I want you to get to know them the way I have gotten to know them.  So, go ahead, send them a tweet. 

Here are 50 people you MUST follow.  They are real.  You may know them already, but if you don't you should.


1) @AlaRecruiter

2) @DarrylRMSG

3) @reedkremer

4) @TSpagnola

5) @ChristopherinHR

6) @AmberEastman

7) @animal

8) @Derdiver

9) @TalentTalks

10) @HR_Nasty

11) @TopRecruiterTV

12) @StandandInspire

13) @YasmeenAtDell

14) @Pursuit_ology

15) @CJsearch4TO

16) @AceEmployment

17) @JMVRecruiter

18) @smashfly

19) @jbalive

20) @ChrisFleek

21) @TomBolt

22) @meetzman

23) @RecruitingBigD

24) @new_resource

25) @shannonsmedstad

26) @JobBoardDoctor

27) @JackalopeJobs

28) @tonyrestell

29) @CareerPivot

30) @valentinoBenito

31) @HRGalFriday

32) @TJ_Jaeckle

33) @Rekrutr

34) @MaliaJorgensen

35) @ed_wu

36) @ScottBurgess

37) @Laurastack

38) @black_thought

39) @HSGmorton

40) @Timkirk25

41) @CorpHandyman

42) @PhxRecruit

43) @greg_savage

44) @bryanchaney

45) @ryanleary

46) @JPKreiss

47) @TravisTriggs

48) @BonnieGough

49) @NovoMedical

50) @joshuapeek

51) @IanKnowlson

52) @HookTheTalent

Views: 1436

Comment by Derdiver on May 3, 2013 at 9:45am

Awesome!  Thank you for this. 

Comment by HRNasty on May 3, 2013 at 10:04am
All I can say is "whoa". Thank you. This is an amazing list. Thank you very much!
Comment by Recruiting Animal on May 3, 2013 at 10:15am

Thanks. I enjoyed meeting U2. And our acquaintance is still fresh enough that you're one of the 50 people who actually notice what I do.

Comment by Will Thomson on May 3, 2013 at 10:22am

Everyone on this list has impacted me in some way.  I appreciate your friendship and look forward to continue to follow.  I am the newbie and you are the real deals.  You are the ones that have made a difference.  Those that don't know you, need to know you. 

Comment by Jeff Dickey-Chasins on May 3, 2013 at 10:51am

thanks, I appreciate it! (Although I should point out that my twitter handle above is misspelled - it should be @JobBoardDoctor). Thanks!

Comment by Christopher de Mers on May 3, 2013 at 10:52am
Wow - I am honored to be mentioned with these people. That's amazing! I'm speechless - that's even more amazing! TY Will!
Comment by Amy Ala Miller on May 3, 2013 at 12:23pm

Thank you Will!! :) Most of these people would be on my list as well, but there are a few new names to me. Thanks so much for sharing!

Comment by Ryan Harding on May 3, 2013 at 12:42pm

This is great!  Thanks Will...It is so amazing the people you meet on social media.  HAPPY FRIDAY

Comment by Will Thomson on May 3, 2013 at 1:09pm

Jeff- sorry about the misspelling.  I changed it.  Happy Friday all!  For those of you who don't know some of these folks, reach out to them and include them in your circle.  Great people.  

Comment by Will Thomson on May 3, 2013 at 2:35pm

I left Ian and Rosemary off accidentally.  Lets make this Top 52. :)  


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