Different strokes for different folks… Here are a few recent examples people have shared with me about how they are being approached online for job opportunities. If this process has a name, it surely isn’t social recruiting, candidate engagement or strategic sourcing.  

Example 1: Regular Email

Executive search firm partner emails monthly listing of current searches. Recipient (that’s previously personally met several of this search firm reps) sees position of interest and inquires for more detail. A few email exchanges back and forth including search firm requesting and receiving person’s resume based on preliminary interest in their background for this client.

Person waits patiently as week one and week two goes by. Week three, person travels. Week four, busy working but still no contact from original search rep or others from firm copied on correspondence. Next month’s email from search firm partner arrives and includes same position listed. Person becomes annoyed, confused and wonders “why the heck did they act interested, then poof I got swallowed into the vortex of silence? Jerks!”

Example 2: LinkedIn InMail


I hope this message finds you well. My name is RECRUITER NAME and I am the RECRUITER TITLE for COMPANY NAME. We are currently in need of Top Talent FUNCTIONAL TITLE CATEGORY Managers. I noticed your profile online and I have significant interest in discussing this full-time, permanent opportunity with you. If you’d like more information on this role or are interested in proceeding forward, please send your latest resume to RECRUITER EMAIL ADDRESS. Then we can complete a front sheet and get you into our interview process ASAP. Let’s talk at your earliest convenience!

  • Minimum 8-10 years experience in ABC
  • Minimum 3-5 years experience overseeing DEF
  • Must have minimum 5-7 years experience handling XYZ


Person thinking: “Sure, I’m up for a conversation to find out more. But, heads-up doofus: there’s no such thing as a “permanent” opportunity. You may want to check into that whole “employment-at-will” situation and maybe even familiarize yourself with this little thing some of us call a dictionary.”


Thanks for getting in touch. I'd welcome the opportunity to learn more about your search criteria for this position. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience if you wish to discuss. I'm located in LOCATION & TIME ZONE and can be reached at PHONE NUMBER or EMAIL ADDRESS

Have a nice evening.




Glad to hear you’re interested! It would be especially helpful to have your resume in hand when we go through the 10-minute preliminary interview process, as it helps my team and I better ascertain if we have a good match or not. Kindly send your latest resume to RECRUITER EMAIL ADDRESS and I will have one of my assistants be in touch with you ASAP!

I look forward to receiving your resume!


Person thinking: “Wait, I’m minding my own business, you found me and initiated contact (to discuss and talk) because you are interested in me based on my LI profile, yet I have to hand over my resume before I can even speak with one of your assistants?” Person politely (reluctantly while rolling eyes) complies and forwards resume.

Next day recruiter’s assistant, Bimbolina calls (unscheduled). Person takes call while driving to an appointment. Bimbolina asks rudimentary questions such as “How many years of tiddlywinks experience do you have?” “How many years of pattycakes experience do you have?” “How many years of hopscotch experience do you have?” (Not that years of experience means diddly squat, but person has 10+ years experience in their field). And of course: “How much $ do you want/need?” Not knowing actual context, level, etc., person named wide range and explained to Bimbolina that they (person) would prefer considering various intangible aspects of the entire opportunity first before discussing compensation package details.

Person’s turn to ask questions (still having never seen any job description beyond three bullets in original InMail). Are you able to share with me the reporting and org structure of this role and what the key performance priorities would be?” Bimbolina: “uh well that would be something you could discuss with the hiring manager. I don’t really have that detail.” Person: “Ok, well the reason I ask is that I’m not exactly clear about what I’m being interviewed for as there was minimal description in the message I received from RECRUITER NAME.” Bimbolina: “I can email you the full description.” Person: “That would be great. Thanks. Until I have a chance to review it, I don’t really have any more questions at this point. Is there anything else I can share with you?” Bimbolina: “No. I’ll submit my notes to the hiring manager and someone will contact you to set up an interview with the team.”

Person never hears anything back from anyone from that company.

Example 3: LinkedIn InMail

Greetings PERSON’S NAME,

Thank you for taking the time to read my LinkedIn In-mail. My name is RECRUITER NAME and I am a RECRUITER’S TITLE for COMPANY NAME. I am reaching out to you today to hopefully network with you about a POSITION TITLE FUNCTION Director for DIVISION that we are looking to fill at our OTHER SIDE OF COUNTRY LOCATION site. Here is quick position overview:

The Director role will report to the BOSS’ TITLE and will be accountable for LIST OF ACCOUNTABILITIES.

If you are interested or know of anyone that would be interested (feel free to share my message with others) I ask that you/they go ahead and apply on-line at our careers section at GENERIC LINK TO COMPANY CAREER PAGE and apply to position ##### You can find a full job description there as well. 

Again, I thank you for your time


Person thinking: “Gee thanks. You find me and either like what you see or think I can provide someone else that will make you like what you see. Yet, the only “interaction” you offer is a request to look this job up on your career site to find out what the heck you need and if I’m in, I get the pleasure of applying on your website. Let me (NOT) get right on that!”


Thank-you for sharing the information about this position. At the moment no one comes to mind. Best of luck with the search.


Alright. Maybe some of you are thinking there really isn’t anything overtly wrong with any of the above. True. There isn’t any blatant rudeness or incompetence on display.

However, in each example the person on the recevieving end found something sucky about the expectations implied in the messages or interactions. Even worse, in the first two examples, after following instructions and going along with the search person’s process, they were left hanging with no closure. That’s not cool. EVER!

I’m not a fan of these slacker techniques. The initiators of these messages appear lazy and unwilling or unable to follow-through properly and their actions or inactions reflect poorly on the entire recruiting industry.

The thing is, this happens constantly and we need to help these people involved move along to another occupation. Ain’t nobody got time for sucky slacker sourcing strategies…


Views: 1550

Comment by Kelly Blokdijk on June 8, 2013 at 1:19am

Thanks to all of you for taking the time to read and post your comments. Much appreciated. Happy weekend! ~KB @TalentTalks 

Comment by Kelly Blokdijk on June 8, 2013 at 1:35am

Forgot. The only thing missing is that special Sandra sauce. No RBC topic is complete without her take. Let's have it Ms. McCartt! 

Comment by Christine Coleman on June 9, 2013 at 3:43am

Haha. I love the title to your post!

Comment by Kelly Blokdijk on September 9, 2013 at 6:14pm

I'm always fascinated by so many terrible examples of poor communication floating around. Here's article that points out simple ways that recruiters can communicate better when (cold) contacting target talent. 




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