Strong personality does not mean hard to work with!!

Strong personality does not mean hard to work with!!
One of the newest things that is being used as a catch all for saying no to a candidate, is really not new it is just being used a lot more as of late. It is the whole strong personality rational. Now while I agree having a strong personality can be an issue in some companies. But before jumping to that conclusion we must first determine in what ways do they have a strong personality. If their personality is deemed strong because they are confident, but at the same time has no problem admitting when they are wrong, or following directions does it really matter? The answer is probably not. It really depends on the balance between strong and amiable. Despite what some say you can have a strong personality and still be amiable. You can be a leader and a follower. The key is to know the situation and when it is better to lead and when it is good to follow. So just because someone has a “strong” personality does not mean they not a fit, it really depends on other things, like can they get along, can they follow, do they know when to talk and when to listen, and can they change their style of communication when needed. So in other words, like with all things find out more before you write them off. Other sire you might lose a great candidate.

Views: 3430

Comment by Stephen Smith on July 3, 2013 at 4:39am

Agreed, Dean. If I had a penny for every time someone confused strong personality with being difficult to work with, I'd be a rich man.

Some of the best colleagues I've worked with were strong, reliable personalities, who wouldn't have contemplated being precious.


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