Why would anyone want to post a blog here at recruitingblogs and then censor any comments it might attract?

Wouldn't that change this site from one where people engage, to one where people just broadcast?

The author of this blog has chosen to delete comments.

I doubt there is a better way of illustrating that the argument presented in your blog post has absolutely no intellectual rigour, than censoring comments.

Dumb doesn't even begin to describe this kind of behaviour.

Here's a tip for all you budding HR/Recruitment bloggers.  If you can't back-up your argument, stay away from posting stuff on the Internet.

Views: 526

Comment by Mike Rasmussen on February 12, 2014 at 2:35am
Mitch I have a great deal more respect for you now and thanks for the lesson learned. Keep blogging and please share on RBC.
Comment by Mike Rasmussen on February 12, 2014 at 2:43am
Also I do sincerely apologize for any misunderstanding on my part. Be well Mitch and here's hoping 2014 brings business success for you.
Comment by Valentino Martinez on February 12, 2014 at 1:29pm

Mike, count on Mitch to play Devil's Advocate on que.  And for many of us he's beloved. 

Ask Sandra -- she's gone a few rounds with Mitch..."bout his hairy eyeball..."  That was something to take-in with tea and crumpets.

Comment by Derdiver on February 12, 2014 at 5:19pm
I spoke to the author via twitter and he said he would be opening it up. He did not realize that he had set it that way.
Comment by Mike Rasmussen on February 12, 2014 at 7:26pm

Hah! Personally I just had to read up a bit on British Humor to educate myself.  I still feel bad I deleted his comment in the first place but look what it taught me!  For that I must say am thankful. 

Comment by Mitch Sullivan on February 14, 2014 at 11:12am

I'm glad we got this sorted and we're all friends again.

Speaking of which - Sandra, you forgot to send me a valentines card.


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