Recruiters Get Featured on LinkedIn: What Should Job Seekers Do To "Woo" You?

One of the oldest aphorisms, not to mention time worn clichés, in recruiting: the extended job search as dating metaphor - or, for similes' sake, that looking for the perfect job is a lot like looking for the perfect mate. 

The whole concept of "finding a match" (catch me a catch?), or that long process of "candidate courtship," is central to our lexicon - and our professional lives. E-Harmony has attempted applying its algorithms to creating a lasting relationship, and in the age of social recruiting, as in romance, engagement is the most meaningful commitment out there.

That's why RecruitingBlogs is teaming up with LinkedIn to find out what job seekers need to do to get recruiters to fall in love with them once they've found a perfect match.

We want to find out what recruiters really look for in a candidate who thinks he's found his career soul mate; you know the type - the one who won't stop leaving you e-mails and voice messages asking for updates, even when they know the feeling's not mutual. 

But every recruiter knows there's nothing more magical than the chemistry that happens when candidate, culture and CV all align. That's why we want you to let us know, this Valentine's Day, "What Can Candidates Do To Woo Recruiters?

Valentine's Day is around the corner, so we want to know:

What's Something Job Seekers Should Do To Woo You?

Leave your best advice for candidates by commenting below, and your responses may be featured in a LinkedIn blog post on Valentine's Day.

Views: 3056

Comment by Tim Sackett on February 5, 2014 at 4:02pm

Send me a Diet Mt. Dew.

Comment by Jennifer Boulanger on February 11, 2014 at 10:49am

One of our recruiters is sending inmails to sales candidates with titles such as:  "You're just my type" and/or "This could be meant to be".  She is using the valentine's theme and is getting about a 22% response rate!  We are actually going to start tracking what folks respond to best using a third party tool.  It will be interesting data that I can't wait to see.  -Jen

Comment by Mike Rasmussen on February 13, 2014 at 7:25pm

Candidates can provide a polished resume, a thoughtful interchange, in interviews if they can address these areas perhaps they may put themselves to the top of the pack of our desired talent match:

1.  Know yourself - how does your unique skill set align with the job - did you read the job description?  Have you tailored your message to that job description and outline of the company needs.

2.  Does the candidate present a polished image professionally of who they are - their communications, personality, and how do you overall present your "total package".

3.  What does your LinkedIn Profile look like?  Do you have a blog?  What does Googling your name bring to the top of the deck?  LinkedIn Profile that captures your blog, your professional image, your recommendations from business partners, clients, former managers - is that available?  What kind of engagement have you already put forth professionally on your net web presence?

4. In interviews and phone screens how do you speak?  Are you passionate, full of life and engaging?  This wins over any recruiter, but you must be genuine, we can see past fluff and insincerity.

5.  If you are enthusiastic about my industry, my company, and have done your "homework" on the variety of resources available to you - have you gone the distance to research us?  Why do you want to work for our company and the answer you provide to that question tells me a lot about you!  A candidate whom may not have all the skills, but shows an eagerness to learn about the space they are looking to enter, well even if you aren't the most qualified that sense of urgency and determination to learn is much greater in terms of culture fit.  Your soft skills are vital.

6.  What are you about?  What motivates you?  If you can align this to the company's need you have then won about 90% of the interview battle.

7.  What problems can you help us solve?  Every position has associated problems it will solve and the work is part of a team environment.  If you work well and can show you work well with a team to solve my company's biggest problems, well that right there is vital too.

8.  What have you done in your past performance that sets you apart? If you can show me that you have a good understanding of the key metrics - % of improvement in key areas, revenue saved, processes enhanced etc, well such things and examples a candidate can give me without hesitation tell me a great deal how your past performance will translate to my environment.

9.  Are you engaged in your professional development?  How can I see this - do you take part in your professional association and do you exhibit associated training - this shows me you will be one who will remain current and "cutting edge" in any endeavor.  That is something we cannot teach.

10.  What is your leadership potential - if I can see that you might develop into someone who may lead in my company, and can show how you would inspire others to greatness or if you can show you would be one who would stick around and help us engage further to success - that is the number one thing I also look for.  Long term fit it everything.

Comment by Keith D. Halperin on February 14, 2014 at 1:39pm

On this holiday celebrating all things romantic some sayings and song lyrics (with slight modifactions might be apropos:

1) Love won't pay the rent.

2)  If you've got the DOUGH-Re-Mi, I've got the time.

3) Can't buy me love (but other stuff is FINE.)

Happy Heart Day,




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