Consultant Bait and Switch - Urban Myth or REAL

We have all heard “the stories” from a colleague or a client who has been burned by a consultant bait and switch. Our recruiter had multiple calls with the consultant. The client also interviewed the consultant over the phone.  Then on the first day of work someone else entirely shows up to do the work.  Since the first few days are all orientation, planning and onboarding – this consultant goes without notice. After all how hard is it to sit quiet and take notes?  When asked to do the work he was hired to do, the consultant could not. The consultant had the audacity to tell the client he intended to call his mentor in India each night and correct what he could not do during the day time hours.  This consultant was of course terminated immediately.

In the end, no one wins - including the imposter. Our client isn’t paying us and we aren’t paying the consultant.  How was this good for anyone? Did they really believe they could get away with it?

20 years in the business and it just happen to me. We had a consultant interview and earned the long term contract. And then someone else entirely, showed up to the job.  

Please tell me what we could have done to avoid this?

Views: 420

Comment by Matt Charney on March 20, 2014 at 4:47pm

That's why you shouldn't trust consultants.


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