I have some advice for you Third-Party Recruiters...

Although, I know that most of you don't operate this way, there are some among you who do. And they piss me off. :)


Views: 139

Comment by Ross Cooper on September 29, 2008 at 4:07pm
I would agree that a "mass mail" trying to develop a "client" relationship is pretty weak (and unprofessional.) I utilize mass mailings frequently but only to "candidates" who meet the parameters set forth in my database search. I would never use this tactic to gain client business, however my searches are much higher level than contract IT stuff... In addition, sending a mass mail to a "careers@" web address hoping for client development?? ROFLMAO!!!!! Good luck to ya!
Comment by Nicole Hackett on September 30, 2008 at 12:24am

I am not a recruiter but I can sense the frustration in your post. How do you attract qualified talent?

Comment by bill martineau on September 30, 2008 at 10:03am
The laziness and dumbing down of 3rd party recruiting has been obvious since the advent of "internet recruiting" which as we all know isn't really "recruiting". Yes I've been a 3rd party recruiter for 20 years, and yes I'm old school, but that simply means that the phone is your friend and that building relationships is the way to "do" business, and that while email and mail merge software are useful (even I use it), it's only helpful once people know you.

So save the spam for your sandwich or eggs and pick up the phone and try introducing yourself.
Comment by Katie Tierney on September 30, 2008 at 10:06am
Bill - THANKS! I know that there are good 3rd party folks out there (one of my mentors is Paul DeBettignies of Nerd Search, and he's AMAZING). But, a few bad apples can really make the whole bunch smell weird. :)
Comment by Katie Tierney on September 30, 2008 at 10:32am
Interesting wikipedia article on government cheese. Sounds tasty.
Comment by bill martineau on September 30, 2008 at 10:33am

You have to love the low cost of living in a place like Nebraska that can afford you those kind of luxuries.
Comment by bill martineau on September 30, 2008 at 10:52am
I know what you mean. I have relatives in rural KS 10 miles south of NE and from all of my visits there what's not to like. Time moves just a little slower, people are salt of the earth and they know how to fry some catfish....and the corn who could forget the corn on the cob.


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