While at my last contract recruiting assignment, I was approached by an account executive for Dayak, a website which seems to work along the same principle as Bounty. I posted my job specs with updates on a regular basis, but did find that the lack of direct communication between me and the agency recruiters resulted in substandard candidates for my positions. I did not hire anyone using this tool.

Lea Karpman, principal
PCSG/professional consulting services group
Springfield, NJ
(973) 376-1814

Views: 101

Comment by Jolly Nibu on January 6, 2009 at 4:21pm
Lea.. I tried Dayak for a while... I am a recruiter (not an employer) and tried to work on the requirements posted on Dayak.. I did get response too from the employer.. But working for a requirement wherein we do not have any direct contact with the employer is little risky.. for the fact that we do put in lots of effort in finding a prospective candidate... and there's no way in getting in touch with the employer/hiring mgr for any update.. Fot couple of positions I worked on Dayak.. my candidates were interviewed by the client and at last I was given feedback that the position is no longer open...
Comment by Marina Hartung on January 6, 2009 at 5:01pm
Dayak also has a lengthy contract that works to the detriment of the recruiter if something goes wrong.

Lea - I have found that my most successful bounty recruiting positions have been with clients who are willing to email/talk on the phone outside of the system once a relationship is established (meaning, once I've shown them my mettle as a recruiter by sending quality candidates, we communicate through regular email addresses than through the cumbersome Bounty system - not that we enter into any sort of agreement outside of the Bounty one).


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