my new recruiting network agreement between and your Ning recruiting network

This blog post is for members of that run recruiting related Ning sites.

I have been thinking about this for a long time and I am in the process of some major "housecleaning"

1. If you are the administrator of a Ning network and you come to in order to build your "friend connections" so that you can then invite them to join your own network, I will ask that you put a logo on the front page of your Ning site near the top of the page. If you don't, I will remove you from I will of course extend the same courtesy and if I come into your network and make friends ( which I have never done yet) I will put your logo on

2. If you run a Ning network for recruiters, and network on, you must leave your activity tracker on. If you turn it off, I will remove you from I'll extend your network the same courtesy.

This is not about you the network administrator coming to and making contributions in terms of blog posts and forum discussions and comments in order to strengthen the discussions but it is obvious when the intent is different than wanting to contribute to the conversation. Lately I see this more and more.

I recognize that this may come across as being a little standoffish but it's all part of me getting rid of all the things in my life that bring me down. It's a good thing to do every once in a while.

Views: 203

Comment by Recruiting Animal on March 5, 2009 at 11:30am
Jim that was an interesting comment and I'm inclined to agree with you.
But I think you missed something.

Facebook lets a business have its own site -- within the membership community.

JD wouldn't mind someone starting any kind of group on his site. He's pissed off about people whose only participation is, from his perspective, predatory and completely parasitic.
Comment by Jim Canto on March 5, 2009 at 12:03pm
I got that message from his post. My point is; trying to make the distinction, and then police and enforce the issue, can do as much damage to one's quality of life as the parasite itself. It's a "can't beat'em..join'em sort of issue.

Just look at Facebook's changes just announced. They are actually making the business sites more of an actual member of the community. With all the talk of how a "brand" should act socially when online, it seems natural to have brands become community members. As such, it is to be expected that their conversations will be self-serving.

And, like any member, individual or otherwise, some contribute, some lurk and some leach. Seems all part of the circle of SM life. Hakunah Mattattah (sp?) :-)
Comment by Slouch on March 5, 2009 at 12:19pm
Jim, I guess we have different views on this. People get kicked of of linkedin and facebook because there is a line that separates good participation and bad participation. These sites were not built so they could be abused. It's never more than a handful of people who do it and the impact affects lots of people. This is a targeted industry site that is about conversation. I am not looking to be a policeman but I am willing to try my best to ensure that things run smoothly. We all have a gut feel on how to make it work and this is my gut feel. I trust my gut when it comes to this and I hope it is the right gut feel. Maybe I'm wrong. It is easy to build a ning group and populate it with thousands and thousands of people. It's much more difficult to get it to work well.
Comment by Recruiting Animal on March 5, 2009 at 12:27pm
Hakunah Mattatah? What's that, Jewish Christmas?
Comment by Jim Canto on March 5, 2009 at 12:57pm
Animal.. of all people.. don't tell me you have never watched Disney's "The Lion King."

JD.. I understand and respect your position. I know there is a difference and I've been to and seen many communities which have zero thought behind them....including some who have leached from here.

No, these sites are not built to be abused. That's not what I'm suggesting be allowed. I consider SPAM an abuse...and an ugly one at that. But, not all self-promotion is SPAM. And, not all self-promotion is unhealthy for a thriving community. That's all I'm saying.

Like I said, I'll back your play...whatever it is...because I like what you've done and how you've done it so far. And, I enjoy learning from your results. I appreciate that you are brave and take chances based on your gut. No bull.
Comment by Recruiting Animal on March 5, 2009 at 1:01pm
Didn't see the cartoon. Saw the play. Good costumes. Otherwise, it stunk.
Comment by Recruiting Animal on March 5, 2009 at 1:28pm
Debbie, social networking is going to lose you money. Hey, you might get some good ideas but if you spend a lot of time reading about them instead of doing what you already do well you'll go broke.
Comment by Recruiting Animal on March 5, 2009 at 1:31pm
@Jim - Just to make it clear. I never suggested that you were one of people JD is going on about.

I don't know you well but you seem to be a very active contributor to this site.
Comment by Jim Canto on March 5, 2009 at 1:53pm
Animal.. I did not take anything as a suggestion that I'm "one of those people." I'm confident in my behavior online. Though I do always try to "check" my approach as I am well aware that I am an opportunist. Always have been.. always will be.

Thanks man. Check out the Disney version. I liked it. But, I like a lot of Disney's animated movies.


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