Okay, maybe it's not exactly triumphiant. But certainly a delightful success. I'm talking about a recent placement. Amidst the stories of tought times, several folks here are doing us the service of posting about the good things they have going - what a great and uplifting thing. We all need a little pep talk every once in a while, and what better way to get revved up than to see our fellow RBCer's having success.

I made a placement last week that has me on cloud nine. The lead came from a candidate I've been working with for over a year, at the most opportune time. We had just released an opening and he called with the name of the perfect candidate, unsolicited. Just fabulous. Can't ask for more than that. Except for maybe a lightning fast decision by my hiring manager to bring him on, and an immediate start date.

Ahhh, exhilarating isn't it?
Just had to share, hope it raises some spirits and speaks to the importance of building and maintaining relationships with our networks. This I owe to a great contact who knows me, my company and who chose to be proactive in his referral because he has confidence in me. Are you taking the time to nurture your relationships and cultivate your referral garden? (I just really wanted a picture of flowers in my post, so sue me! :) )

Views: 101

Comment by ░ Agastus on March 17, 2009 at 1:54pm
Congratulations!! Becky..
We had four closures done by one recruiter for a client (Staffing Company) this month, He is still rocking!!!!


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