I learned the value of a personal network.

I have only been in recruiting for a year and a half now. My first gig after going through Internet Recruiter training at Duran HCP was at Google, where I was able to build a small network of friends. When my contract ended, I applied for every sourcing job I could find and some would get back to me, but they went no further. Instead it was through a friend I met at Google that I was able to score my next gig at Yahoo!. At Yahoo! I met many more people, and when my contract ended there, they all helped to get my name out. I did not get a new gig right away, so during my time off I applied for every sourcing and recruiter job I could find, and those did not get too far. Again, it was the through my friends, that Brocade ended up reaching out to me, and I secured my next gig, which starts next week.

In staffing it is definitely about, “who you know,” that gets you that next position.

Views: 39

Comment by Karen Swim on February 25, 2008 at 12:35pm
In today's hotly competitive environment and technologically oriented hiring practices, relationships have become even more important. Your post illustrates why I always encourage contacts to maximize their networking in their career search. You could let computers scan you and put you in a box or you can interact with real people who know and value what you have to offer. In my opinion, the choice seems easy. Thanks for sharing and congrats on your new gig!



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