Keeping up with the Kardashians during the job hunt

Keeping up with the Kardashians

He completely lost me at “sir”.

It was his first chance to make a lasting impression and he totally blew it.

Clearly stated in the job description was “accurate, detail oriented, excellent communicator…” and “please contact Heather Gardner direct for immediate consideration."

Had he taken the time to look me up, he would have known…. Oh "Bing" or "Google" me please!

It’s so easy to lose out on an opportunity by making a simple yet costly mistake. In this example he assumed Heather Gardner was male, he was being lazy or he just wasn’t paying attention.

Applying to open jobs is an important thing to do during an active job hunt. Keeping track of who you respond to is even more important! Get the name wrong might just cost you the job. Which resume version you sent and when will help you be prepared so when the recruiter pre-screen call comes, it will likely turn into an interview.

You can’t over do “attention to detail” when corresponding with a perspective company, hiring manager, recruiter or human resource professional. It could make or break your chances of being considered for a role.

AND ….

SEND a "Thank you" regardless of whether you got the job. Not only is it key to make an excellent first impression, but that last bit of communication is important as well. Keep yourself on top of mind with that hiring manager that didn’t offer you the job, because who knows what doors that might open in the future.

Having trouble keeping track?

Are you sending out introduction letters with the person’s wrong name? Get help! I always recommend as an excellent CRM tool for the active job seeker. has some pretty sophisticated components and offers webinars all the time. There’s a free and premium version. I suggest you get on track because an excel spread sheet only goes so far…

What tools are helping you to keep up with the Kardashians during your job hunt?

Views: 114

Comment by Charles Van Heerden on October 13, 2009 at 8:33pm
Hi Heather, great tips for candidates! I think it more than tools (though jibberjobber is certainly better than a spreadsheet), but ensuring good follow through. In today's world you would expect candidates to do more research, such as LinkedIn.
Comment by Jason Monastra on October 14, 2009 at 12:52pm
I love the parallel with the celebrity. But so true, candidates should be well prepared. We run projects and I see often how even when consultants do not need to interview with the client directly, how unprepared they are. So we go through a detailed review before assignment of company culture, direction, project strategy, expectations, key members of the community, and just an overall business review. Being prepared can never be overstated, and in this day and age...should simply be expected.
Comment by Heather Gardner on October 14, 2009 at 1:32pm
Doesn't it always amaze you at how many people are "unprepared" during their job hunt? I always tell candidates to prepare prepare prepare... and yet some don't listen and lose out on getting hired ;-(


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