There are a lot of discussions going on across the internet concerning change as well as the new technologies taking place that can assist recruiters in various ways. The major buzz is about social networking, social media, everything 'Web 2.0'. Some people consider the internet a fad, one that will go out with the typewriter once the next major technology comes around the corner. That may be true, but it is important to utilize the trends of your current time.

While taking the time to track down clients that you have good matches for is always positive, why not spend some of that time enabling clients to find you? This allows you to spend as much time as possible running your business while still achieving a recurring base of clients that come to you. I personally use search engine optimization to my advantage. If you have a website, search engine optimization is detrimental to allowing potential clients to find it and learn more about your services. If you do not already have a website, get one. You are living in the dark ages. I have compiled a list of techniques that I have learned:

Build links If you haven't already done so, it is important to have at least some form of online brochure with links to it. Make sure you are on every free directory out there, and some of the paid ones as well. Remember this: Search engines consider inbound links when they decide where to position you in search results.

Optimize your keywords. Use the handy little free tool that Google offers to find the most commonly searched related keywords, and make sure they are included into your content. This will drive related traffic up significantly.

Analyze Your Website Taking advantage of the many free analytical tools out there will help you understand where your traffic comes from, the type of traffic you are getting and why, and how to increase it.

Write, a LOT The content that you put out there regarding what industries you service or specialize in will also help you attract targeted visitors.

Make Your Contact Info Apparent. Your contact information should be easy to find, and to the point. It just takes a click of a button and a split second for a visitor to become frustrated and leave your website.

Know how search engines work. While not many people completely know the algorithms search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing use, there is a basic concept that can easily go over the heads of the technically challenged. A search engine is a tool designed to search information on 'the web'. There are several out there, Google being the most popular and therefore the one many website owners try to please the most. Search engines rank websites based on quality and related content, and sites that have the most 'weight'- a.k.a inbound links.

Make the bots happy. When you type certain 'keywords' in these search engines to find information, the search engine presents that information to you based on what the google bots find. Make sure your site is search engine friendly and the content is easily read by these bots. Remember, most search engine bots cannot read the word content on images or flash.

So, I have elaborated on how I enable clients to find me, but am curious as to what other techniques recruiters are using? How do you attract your clients?

Views: 168

Comment by Will Branning on October 28, 2009 at 1:24pm
Good reminders and some new ideas I may try...on our website we fail to update our job opportunities and I know that's not helpful. Thanks for sharing and providing me some motivation to improve on my "web attractiveness."
Comment by Jacqueline Bozorgi on October 28, 2009 at 1:25pm
Slouch just built an inbound back link to his blog. BAM. That's SEO. ;-)
Comment by Jacqueline Bozorgi on October 28, 2009 at 1:35pm
"Some people make things happen, some watch what happens, while others wonder what happened..."
I love that! So true...
Will, a good way to help get those opportunities found by others is to make sure sites like Indeed and Simply Hired are feeding them through their sites.
Comment by Scott Godbey on October 28, 2009 at 4:27pm
Great post!
Comment by Hassan Rizwan on October 29, 2009 at 4:24am
That is very well written and can really be a guide for any social media recruiter. In reference to the second point, there is a term SEO (search engine optimization), which means to optimize words that are common to a field. The sites that are most reviewed and marketed through social media come right on top and become an attraction for anyone who will browse.
Comment by Pat Meehan on April 25, 2010 at 4:17pm
Excellent article Jacqueline!


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