Office life can be a thing of great extremes, with every triumphant, team-uniting high counter-balanced by days when the team fails to click and every email carries bad news. But for most offices, most of the time, the general atmosphere is one of habit, routine, and bittersweet predictability.

You know who’s going to arrive first in the morning, who’s going to be late, and who’s going to pick up the workload from the latter; you’re subconsciously aware of where the cookie crumbs fall, and what time the quirky mail person is going to do their rounds and cheer everyone up with their bizarre outlook on life.

It’s a part of the modern world that’s every bit as corny and nostalgic as when we mostly worked with the land or with our hands for a living, yet while there are countless paintings and poems of pastoral settings, craggy-faced blacksmiths, and silvery moons reflecting on fishing lakes, nobody ever sees fit to create great art about the culture of the office.

Until now! The folks at SavingSpot have created a whole series of haikus – a Japanese form of poem that’s all over in just three lines – to commemorate some of the most instantly recognizable of office life bugbears, including: 

  • When you offer to make hot drinks, and get more responses than you can handle.
  • When you return from vacation feeling great, but your relaxed demeanor evaporates the moment you boot up your computer.
  • When your computer quits out on you and the panic starts to rise as you realize you’ve lost all your work just hours before a deadline.
  • Every day, another birthday cake, another ten minutes stuck trying to think of something original to write in that greetings card.

Sound familiar? Check out the haikus, and share them with someone you know goes through the same thing every day!

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