4 Points to Make on Your New Hire's First Day

Being the new person isn’t easy, slowly and efficiently easing new talent into your workforce is a crucial part of actually keeping your shiny new edition. Be thoughtful, actively think of ways you can incorporate your new talent, so that they feel confident and comfortable in their new position. We came up with a couple of pointers to help you make it easy on your new hire’s first day

1: Explain company goals

New employees should know what the company goals are right off the bat. Brief your newcomer on the hopeful end product of their hard work. Give a little background about the company, share insights that you find interesting about the company as well. Showing your new hire a little bit of your passion within the company, can inspire them to find things that excite them within the company.

Let them know what function their skills in the company facilitates, while shining a light on their talents. After all, you chose them over other candidates for the job, because they had something others did not. Point this out, instill some confidence. This will build your new employee’s confidence, which will encourage them to prove their already favored skills even more.

2: Inclusion, inclusion, inclusion (what Jan Brady really meant & more)

Thirty-five percent of workers agree having an increase in on-the-job training entices them to stay longer. Nerves are high on the first day of work, not only for the new employee, but for the onboarding staff as well. Don’t let your new employee feel like the Jan Brady of your work environment, show them that everyone is a “Marsha, Marsha, Marsha” in the company.

  • Include your new employee by giving them some company gear you’ve got on hand. Whether it be waterbottles, hats, or mouse pads, hook your new talent up with some swag.
  • Let  them in on (an appropriate) company wide joke, that way they can jump in when appropriate and gain the desired approval of their colleagues. 

Forty-six percent of new hires wash out after the first 18 months. Make a game out of getting to know your new employee, with prizes to boot. Organize a company-wide  trivia game at the end of the new employees first week. This will be incentive for your current employees to get to know your new employee even if it is initially for a competition (the goal being of course, that your employees slowly begin to accept the newcomer).

3: Harbour a comfortable work environment

Ensure you have a comfy uncluttered workplace for your new hire. Cluttered areas can overwhelm new employees, in their already (often nervous) state. 

Give them an office tour, show them where everything is. The more they know about the company and how things work the more confident they will feel in their new position. Don’t mull over the obvious things, even if there is a huge arrow pointing to the restrooms, be nothing if not over informative and polite. While you’re on that tour take the opportunity to introduce your new employee to other current employees. Employees can serve as landmarks for remembering where certain things are in the office.

“Your eventual goal is to train comprehensively by breaking large processes down into manageable chunks. That way new employees can immediately see how their role directly connects to creating value for your company, and you get great opportunities to provide immediate, constructive feedback.”- Jeff Haden, ghostwriter LinkedIn

4: Open the floor for questions

Let your employees know, that you are happy to answer any questions they might have, while also having a few current employees on retainer who are willing to help out newcomers.

This will help point your new employee to current employees who are more than comfortable answering questions regarding the company. Enabling current employees to engage with the newcomer in a more organic way. 

“Important information that falls through the cracks or isn’t conveyed properly means that employees’ knowledge bases are inconsistent. Inconsistencies, when multiplied, can turn into a disparate company culture.”-Lauren Moon, writer at Trello

Do you have some new talent coming in? See how you can implement a few of these tips into your “introduction day” for new employees. Let’s get youremployee onboarding process right. Don’t let your new hire leave their first day with a sour taste in their mouth, ramp up your new hire welcoming skills!

Bio: Christine Marino

Christine is the Chief Revenue Officer of Click Boarding, LLC, a company that offers employee onboarding software and solutions. She is responsible for the sales, marketing and business development strategies. Leveraging her 18+ years of experience in the Human Capital Management space, Christine drives company growth through strategic partner relationships as well new customer acquisitions across the small to large enterprise markets.

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