I'm looking for someone in Toronto to host a full day seminar of the telephone names sourcing course "
The Magic in the Method" this summer. What we'll need: a room that will seat 50 w/ a projector/sound system
I'll give away 3 free seats for the provision and oh, by the way, if anyone wants to sponsor lunch for us, I'll give them 2 seats too.
This arrangement has worked very well in the past.
Why I want to visit Toronto: I want to meet Jason Davis (he of this fast growing network!) and the Recruiting Animal (he of the controversial
RecruitingAnimal Blog) and I know they live close by each other so I'd like to doubledip on the opportunity as well!
Do something today you don't think you can do.
Maureen Sharib
Telephone Name Sourcer/MagicMethod Trainer
513 899 9628
TechTrak.com, Inc.
maureen at namesourcer.com
My NameSourcer
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