How is the oil/gas situation affecting your ability to recruit?

just curious because, if you watch the news, you are hearing how this is affecting people in their daily lives. there is nothing more daily the getting in your car, turning on the radio (hopefully satellite radio) and driving to work. with gas nearing (or over) $4.00 per gallon, this has to affect the way we recruit. i have seen a drop off in my recruitment with respect to how long people are willing to commut to work. it's not so much a time factor, rather its how much is it going to cost me to get to and from work during the week.

how are your organizations dealing with the issue? many of you know that i work for recently, we were profiled on good morning america, in forbes magazine and the wall street journal for our innovative way of advertising in the local market. oh, by the way, it is a great way for employees to beat the high price at the pump.

so i ask, what isyour organization doing to deal with the oil/gas situation as it relates to your ability to recruit and retain great talent?

Views: 64

Comment by Maureen Sharib on May 22, 2008 at 9:55am
(Related) Housing Discussion on this going on right now over on ERE here.


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