The New And Improved Cheez Factory

When I started blogging in 2003, there was not a whole hell of a lot of choices out there when it came to reading Recruiting Related Blogs. That changed real quick and it did not take long. One of the guys who started and really has not stopped is Joel Cheesman who has a blog called Cheezhead

Yesterday Joel launched a redesign of his site and added a new feature to his blog which is something I am sure will add tremendous value to him and those who read Cheezhead. The new feature features industry experts who have committed to writing two articles a month for Cheezhead. I think this is a great idea. It solves lots of problems a blogger has to deal with.

I bet some of the reasons a good number of industry experts don’t blog is because of what to say every single day, they have a job that they need to do every single day and getting regular feedback by way of comments just does not happen often enough for the validation it takes to keep going. What Cheezhead now offers is in my opinion exactly what is needed for a lot of real smart people to take the plunge.

I really like the look of the new cheezhead and I really like the look of the new plan to include new writers. I know from previous conversations with Joel that allowing others to contribute on his blog was probably not the easiest of decisions to make. In my opinion, it is the right decision and I guess someone in the Cheez factory sees it that way as well.

It’s good for his readers and it’s good for those wanting to write. I like it.

The new writers are:

Views: 101

Comment by Joel Cheesman on August 27, 2007 at 10:41am
Thanks for the kind words, JD. We're very excited to have the authors you note in your post blogging for Cheezhead. There's sure to be some great content in the months (and hopefully years) to come.


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