Hank, A guy like you will always be found by a good recruiter. Nothing now you can do about it.

All this reminds me of the post I referenced about Peter the SimplyHired Software Engineer who is not happy these days with the amount of calls he is getting at work from recruiters who are not respecting the LinkedIN Policy.

My favorite answer comes from a good friend of mine named Gary Fowler who runs a recruiting firm called Analog Solutions. He says the following:

Gary Fowler is your connection (1st-degree)

Gary Fowler

President/Founder of Analog Solutions

Peter- you better hope that phone does not stop rigning! If if does you have a real problem! Ask the thousands of high tech workers from 2001 -2004 that were laid off and unemployed for months in the Valley, and elsewhere. Especially, and specifically, software engineers! I know in my specialty analog engineering, is was not as bad for them, but many were also let go. Purely from a recruiting perspective yes "Linked-In" is one tool that we use but there are many others. Elliminating your profile from Linked In will not stop quality recruiters from finding you. In my space I am probably the most known guy, but by all means I don't know everyone in the industry. I think what is most important is to accept the fact that your skills are in demand right now and seize the moment should one of those unwanted calls uncover a far better opportunity than your current job! Every recruiter realizes that a "not interested" response is normal and perfectly acceptable. You should listen carefully to every pitch and understand that the recruiter will fill the position and whether it is you or someone else does not matter. The only potential loser is you, should you not listen and dismiss what could be a opportunity of a lifetime. I could point you to several hundred analog engineers, and Executives I have placed that have become multi-millionaires, many of whom took that unexpected call. I hope this sheds some light on those seemily annoying calls!

Views: 111

Comment by John Sumser on August 31, 2007 at 12:14am
Hmm. He should have added "buy a lottery ticket every day. Who knows, you might be broke and need the money. Cause, if you don't buy the ticket you have no chance of winning."

Seems a bit bogus, Jason.
Comment by Slouch on August 31, 2007 at 10:16am
Hey John, the first thing that comes to mind is that this is what you get when you have a place shared by recruiters who think there is nothing wrong with the recruiting business and those who feel it needs to be changed.
Comment by Peggy McKee on September 2, 2007 at 9:47am
Slouch and Gary - I agree with you. I advise candidates to take my information, store my number, and move on....But when your friend or business associate calls and needs a list of recruiters and you can share my name and several others - you will be a hero. Employee youths may resent the recruiter call but those who have been around realize that no job is truly secure and a great recruiting contact is invaluable. John, in my experience a talented candidate has a far better chance of gaining employment with my companies than winning the lottery. I would liken it more to homeowners insurance during hurricane season in Florida!!


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