God created Man to Work
Work is Man’s Greatest Duty
Man is nothing
-IF avoids WORKING -
HE can do nothing

Achieve Nothing Fulfill nothing without Working
Work is Man’s Most Dependable Function
If You are poor – Work
If You are rich – Work

You have been burdened with unfair Responsibilities –Work
You have been entrusted with Deserving Responsibilities –Work
You have been paid Low –Work
You have been paid Fairly – Work
You have been Paid Handsomely – Work

When Dreams Are Shattered – Work
When Faith Falters –Work

When the future appears Bleaks – Work
When Hope Deems dead – Work

Work is the greatest stress – hunter
Work is the mightiest morale – Booster

Work is the Best Boredom – Healer
Work is equally Effective Disease –Fighter

If You neglect Your Work
You invite Worry, Fear, and Doubt & Debt

Work is the greatest Solution for all Problems
Work Sincerely

Views: 64


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