If any of you have candidates who need to brush up their resumes and cover letters, or need some customized coaching on how to approach their search and interviews, you might be interested in two products that I have just for job seekers.

Resume and Cover Letter Review—$50
Evaluation and feedback of one cover letter and resume via email. Includes editing, proofing, layout suggestions, and general feedback.

Informational Meeting Package—$75
One-hour, in-person meeting to review cover letter and resume, and general Q&A. Get real-time feedback about your materials, and get your job search questions answered at the same time. Getting some “insider knowledge” about recruiting processes can be invaluable when looking for employment. Pamela is open, honest, and generous with her information and resources. She genuinely wants to help talented individuals find work with excellent employers.

If you'd like a nice pdf that you can give to folks, let me know. When the page is finished on my web site, I'll post the link to it.

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