Web 2.0 is Now. However, our profession and organizations still don't have the structure ready to receive it. Lets create a Best Practice here and now.

Like any great strategy, planning and relevant results are a must. So when planning your recruitment strategy take some of the most important criteria into your plan.

First What does your organization and your goals want to accomplish from use of technology?
Should Web 2.0 be used to market job opportunities? Should Web 2.0 be used as a networking tool? Will you use Web 2.0 to post, obtain, or distribute resumes? Will your sales and service function need to use the information? Do your clients have access? What about your competitors?

What do you want to share, and do you want to share anything on the Web, or with the resource you choose? I.e.) Social Networks can also encourage corporate raiding of top talent....Do you have IP that you need protected?

Whom is going to manage your Web 2.0 resources? Does this person have direct access to the stakeholders? I.e.) Marketing, Officers of the Board, Technology Advisement, Budget?

Are the impact, results, and generated volume measurable, and specific enough to be analyzed, and repeated?

Do you use multiple resources and whom owns it--ie) several recruiters doing all the same thing, many overlapping, or directing results to individual instead of Total company rewards.

Is it a legal use, do you have spamming regulations in place, can data be captured? All Questions we need to ask.

So then whom will it be to answer all our questions? Do we hire a consultant, take it internal or put it out to the industry to respond?

I would love your Thoughts.

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