Now's the time when most employers are hitting the campuses at full speed and doing some networking the old fashion way - in person. With campus events gearing up everywhere to help keep students make (what we think will be) great career and/or intern decisions it's important to have a good story to tell - and a
booth or activity that draws their attention (shameless, I know...)
Having said that, not all employers have the luxury of having the resources available that would let them be everywhere they want to be. (isn't that an AMEX commercial?) As a result, it remains important that employers are smart in their event selection process as well as the online postings of their opportunities they'd like pushed to various campuses or localized marketing channels. While I've always been a fan of
CollegeRecruiter.com because of the simplistic way that it presents and categorizes it's jobs listings (not to mention great RSS feeds and it's ties to
CareerTV.com - another favorite of RecruiterGuy) I'd be slacking if I didn't throw out a few others worth at least mentioning.
CampusAve.com is a network of college newspaper and local classified Web sites that offers an incredible list of categories for any number of markets or social networks. Each site within the network offers up information on housing opportunities, roommate match-ups, and of course - jobs. And while not a complete one-stop-shop for college students, it's definately a hub that's worthy of a bookmark and reference.
Of course I can't mention
CampusAve.com if I don't also mention
CampusBlvd.com - a new college text link marketplace. CampusBlvd claims to provide highly relevant text link placements to a growing network of college web sites that service consumers and search engine marketing companies. For a fee they offer text links that will appear on college web sites that contain hundreds of .edu backlinks.
Now I don't know about you, but I find this pretty interesting... CampusBlvd's inventory is geared towards targetting college websites to help increase search engine relevance and increase an employers brand awareness. The gist is that if you were to own a site or be an employer looking to market your 'college job page' directly to college students or alumni this would be a prime service for you to take advantage of.
An interesting feature is the ability to sign up for daily emails containing updates to the most popular web pages within the CampusBlvd inventory - much like a
Google News Alert. Options allow you to select college categories, Alexa Ranking, number of inbound .edu linkbacks and overall page rank. Shopping the competition, anyone?
also posted here...
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