Women are powerful. But did you know just how much? A couple of weeks ago, I found data to prove the point. A recent study conducted over a four-year span of Fortune 500 companies found that those companies with the highest percentage of women on their boards saw equity returns 53% higher than those companies with the fewest number of women on boards. Furthermore, these companies saw a return on sales 42% higher and a return on investment capital at least 66% higher. Kara Helander shares that women lead to better decision making and have more insight into the workplace and marketplace. She continues

We have established a correlation between diverse boards and strong corporate performance.

Women are powerful by themselves. But that power increases when they come together to achieve a common goal for their organization, their community or for a cause. I had the opportunity to attend a conference for business women on Tuesday, October 30th. The platform was built around women of all ages and backgrounds, networking with peers to become informed on timely issues that are of value to today’s women. It was amazing to see well over 2500 women - powerful women - get together to share awe-inspiring stories. To be in the same room with Soledad O'Brien was overwhelming. The numerous obstacles she has overcome through the years brought every single one of us in the room down to earth. Her message was both enriching and motivating.

I am proud of the accomplishments being made each and every day by women in various roles across various companies. And while we can't all make Fortune's 50 Most Powerful Women in Business list, we can be proud of what we contribute to our organization, knowing we make a difference. And for those hiring top talent (who happen to be women) into your organization, take comfort in knowing you are bringing higher insight and decision-making ability to the table. The numbers will prove it.

Do you happen to know who the most powerful woman in the world is? Angela Merkel, a scientist turned politician, according to Forbes. That's right ... bring it!

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