Just in time for Halloween comes this frightening article from Nicholas Carlson on Silicon Alley Insider:
Here Come The Pro Accounts.
In this article Nicholas confirms something I have long feared. The days of all free Social Media services are numbered.
I am probably not alone in my fears that, like LinkedIn and Flickr (which both already charge for premium services), it wouldn't be long before my other favorite recruiting and social networking tools would come up with premium services to make it nearly impossible for someone as addicted as I am not to pay. The article lists several services here, only a few of which do I currently utilize. But, mark my words, the day is lurking not far out when all of our favorite Web 2.0 toys will cost us an arm... or a leg.
On the bright side, it's probably good for the economy and web marketing in general. Many users have said they would prefer paying for a Pro account vs. having ads all over their page. I would love to know what you think.
Personally I'm sure I will pay. But I'm still scared. Happy Halloween! -CF
Excerpt below from Here Come The Pro Accounts:
"Here are companies that have launched, are rumored to be launching, or we expect to launch pro accounts:
Tumblr Plus is coming soon.
What you'll get: Back in April, Tumblr founder David Karp said there are more than 10 features in the queue, including a tool that allows readers to submit content, more customizable themes and special page layouts. We're betting Plus users will get unlimited music and photograph storage, too.
How much it'll cost: We hear something like $5 a month or $60 a year.
Web video tools provider TubeMogul's premium accounts are already here.
What you'll get: "tools like viewership demographics, keyword intelligence (which allows measurement of how many videos/views on YouTube mention a given keyword), a data feed, api, mrss upload and more," says exec David Burch.
How much it costs: "We typically charge $1,000/month," says Burch.
A pro option for live-streaming site Ustream is rumored to be under development.
What you'll get: We don't know, but probably something close to unlimited streaming and higher resolution.
How much it costs: We don't know, but probably close the $60 a year Vimeo charges.
File-sharing site Drop.io launched a premium option.
What you'll get: According to Drop.io, you get: "drop names under 7 characters; storage capacity (up to 25GB); duration (up to 3 years); multiple uses (up to 10)."
How much it costs: $10 per gigabyte per year.
Meetup has Organizers.
What you get: Each Meetup group needs to have an "organizer," who can collect member payments and generally… organize things. How much it costs: $12 to $19 per month.
Vimeo Plus debuted this month.
What you get: More bandwidth, 1,000 HD plays and a "white label" player with domain level privacy controls.
How much it costs: $60 per year.
Twitter cofounder Biz Stone told the Wall Street Journal on Monday that it might charge for premium features in the future. Surprise: He didn't offer any more details.
Tumblr's lead developer Marco Arment is also something of an entrepreneur on the side. His most useful creation is Instapaper, a simple bookmarking service hooked to an iPhone App which comes in free and pro versions.
What you get: Tilt scrolling, adjustable fonts "and more!" says the iTunes page.
How much it costs: $9.99
Metrics site Compete.com launched pro accounts in July.
What you get: According to the site,"Compete Pro unlocks exclusive reports and extends data on all compete.com tools!"
How much it costs: $199 to $499 per month.
Video site Veoh has Pro accounts
What you get: From a Veoh forum: "Veoh Pro is a new program, free to sign up for, that in addition to regular Veoh, users have the option of charging for the videos they upload, as well as being able to syndicate those videos to other sites and blogs such as Google Video, YouTube, MySpace, Facebook, Blogger, WordPress, etc., so that you just upload your video to Veoh and we'll automatically send it to those sites to upload. Additionally, we'll transcode your videos into iPod format. Also your video will be encoded into a higher quality than the users who aren't Pro."
What it costs: Veoh splits revenues with its pro members.
Document publishing platform Issuu announced new premium features yesterday.
What you get: Issuu keeps ads and Issuu branding off your publication.
How much it costs: Reports TechCrunch: $1.10 to $19 per 1,000 publication views.
Video-sharing tools site Magnify launched pro and enterprise offerings in April.
What you get: According to the site, "The Pro product is a customizable video solution for content enthusiasts, online communities and small businesses looking to add video to their websites."
How much it costs: Pro accounts range from $25 to $160 per month. Enterprise accounts are more.
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