we finally done it & ooh hello all

First time writing a blog yknow , if its a bit messed up , ill try to fix it in my next installment .

I am excited and really pleased about my latest adventures in job board land , so much so that I achieved 4th page rank on google within 4 days , its seeming quite surprising and yes to me it was so wooo pee dooo I am in the mainstream of the google world in less than than the time it takes to get thru london rush hour traffic.

My background working at monster has served me well , it makes things a bit more interesting now as I envisaged a slog on the new board www.aviation-jobs.net to attract good rankings but I know someone is looking after me up there !

The new site was launched last week , its free on a global scale to employers to post and candidates to apply , so nothing to lose then !

I am looking at breaking into the US market with our model so if anyone knows anyone , which im sure you would know someone the let me know as im always looking at new ideas and open to discuss .. oh and if it involves $50k im your man.



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