Who hates automated email-gen recruiting software?!?!?


Yes you, with the crappy automated-resume-searching-email-generating-software. You're a disgrace to this industry. You're the reason people sneer when they hear the word "recruiter" and we're sick of it. You're taking us down the tubes. If you keep this up, someday we'll have no more street cred than ambulance chasers, postal workers and school lunch ladies.... and we're not going to let that happen.

The gloves are coming off.

Whoever sold you the software that uses keywords to generate generic emails to thousands of people --99% who are neither remotely qualified for nor interested in your "direct client opening"-- should be drawn, quartered, shot, hung, dissected and fed to the pigs.

Unfortunately, we all get emails all day long from you and those like you, too lazy to read resumes type emails or make phone calls, with your fake apologies and the even more insulting "if you're not qualified or interested, please forward" disclaimers. Yes, by all means.. let us all assist you in exponentially increasing your spam potential.

We know who you are. You email us your names, your company names and your addresses.

We keep a list, you know.

You emailed and tried to recruit me today. Not just for one job, but for seven. I'm flattered that you think I'm qualified to be a QA Manager, a Java Developer, a Project Manager, a VP of Sales, a Product Manager and a Marketing Coordinator... but today, you went over the top. Today you tried to recruit me for the very position I am recruiting for.

We're all coming for you.... and when we do, it's going to make the windmill scene in Frankenstein look like a bar mitzvah.

Views: 128

Comment by Keith D. Halperin on September 28, 2017 at 10:21pm

Looks like they didn't get very scared, Christian. I still get those emails...


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