WirelessJobs.com ~ it's a community, really

Change is afoot at WirelessJobs.com. Inspired, nonetheless, by the spirit of community that I really admire here at RecruitingBlogs.com.

Yep, after four years of blogging about wireless jobs, it's time for something different. Actually, it's time for something I've been wanting to do all along.

I've had a desire to create a real community that's focused on job-search within the wireless industry. A community that provides a platform for us to do what we do best - whether we are a job-seeker, a recruiter, or a professional connected to the wireless industry.

I know, I know. I get a little goofy when I talk about my passion. But that's a small price to pay to do something that I really love.

Well, actually, I'll just shut up and let the video do the talking.

Views: 49

Comment by Slouch on March 13, 2008 at 12:37pm
Hey Dennis. A video a day is what you need to do on that new site you're going to launch. I bet if you ask Gerry Crispin to give some pointers to your audience via video, he'll do it. I have his numbers if you need them.


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