No More Problems for - Thanks Jobster

I have some real good news for

The last few days for me have been difficult. I know that the last few days for Jason Goldberg and Jobster have been difficult as well. My first priority was to make sure that no one was going to shut down, it is far too valuable to a lot of people. My secondary priority was to have myself continue to run it, though this was important, it really was the second issue. Also it was important for me to make sure that I operate according to the agreement I had in place with Jobster.

Over the last few days, I have had some real time to reflect on this all and it was tough not getting involved in some of the online comments. My intention was to alert the community to what was happening so that there would not be any surprises for anyone. My intentions did not include hurting Jobster or their reputation. I have shares in Jobster and it would be great to see something happen there. I am sorry that it did cause some real issues. In hindsight I recognize that talking about this publicly may not have been the right way to go and it did provide an easy target. I am sorry it caused real issues for Jason Goldberg and Jobster.

Upon reflection here, I also realized that as a large Jobster shareholder, I would really like Jobster to win as that would mean personal rewards for me. While I didn’t mean to break any rules, it does make some sense that there is an expectation that you need to play by the rules in order to get the rewards.

I guess Non Competes are serious business and Jobster takes things seriously. However I do want to say that over the last few days, I have had a number of conversations with Jason Goldberg and in talking to him, it was clear that his intent did not at all match the aggressiveness of the letter I received from their lawyers.

It became clear right away while talking to Jason, he was not interested in shutting down the site. Quite the contrary actually. There was of course the issue with my non compete and with respect to that, he was not interested at all in limiting the things I could or could not do. I do recognize how one could see that I was doing something I agreed not to do. It was important to me that I was not doing anything wrong. I agreed I would not when Jobster bought from me.

So now, this is where things stand. I have reached an agreement with Jobster to put this all behind us. Jason Goldberg has agreed that Jobster will not put any restrictions of any kind on me or the things I want to do. I have agreed to work with Jobster to come up with some way to give them some visibility on for a period of time. I’ll make sure this gets done in a way that is good for

I am happy to put this behind me now and I hope that this resolution rings a positive note in everyone’s head. I feel it is a good outcome and life goes on. There are lots of recruiters out there who do not yet know about what we small group of 220 people are doing and they should.

I would like to say again to Jobster that I am sorry if this caused trouble. Hopefully there are lessons learned for everyone involved. I learned a few things.

The matter is closed from my perspective and I have some great ideas for so let’s move ahead. We are a small but loud and influential group of people. Let’s get all this energy we have and continue building

I hope everyone here respects the outcome and thank you for your overwhelming support in this issue.


Views: 427

Comment by SHUKRON on June 28, 2007 at 11:26am
Yay! Great work my man. I'm glad that you and Goldberg hashed it out. I've got apps to program and thechad to satisfy, peace out.

Great news, great news.
Comment by Carl Chapman on June 28, 2007 at 11:30am
Good news. Thanks for sharing it with us Jason. I'm glad that you were able to come to a resolution that you find satisfactory. I'll refrain from making negative comments about Jobster or Jason Goldberg here, as I'm sure people are well acquainted with my feelings.
Comment by Moises Lopez on June 28, 2007 at 11:31am
I am so glad it has been worked out. I love this site and would have hated to have it go away. Keep up the great work!! If you need anything do not hesitate to ask.
Comment by Kalch on June 28, 2007 at 11:32am
congratualtions to you and JG on handeling this in a collectively beneficial manner.

I am looking forward to nurturing relationships on this site and learning more about jobster and in a positive light.
Comment by Holly on June 28, 2007 at 11:35am
From the PR side, great "crisis communication," you followed all the rules. =)
Comment by Fiona Cherbak on June 28, 2007 at 11:37am
Fantastic news, Jason! Good work...
Comment by Sherry Karr on June 28, 2007 at 11:40am
Glad to hear it all worked out.
Comment by Bryan Starbuck on June 28, 2007 at 11:42am
This is great news. I'd hate to lose this community.
Comment by Ben Gotkin on June 28, 2007 at 11:46am
Excellent news! Time for everyone to move forward and continue to build a great community here.
Comment by Dawn Christine Khan on June 28, 2007 at 11:47am
Slouch, this is a great example of win win business nobility in practice! I am happy to hear the story and wish you every success!



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