How do you find an applicant tracking system?

Hi All,

Quick question for all of the recruiting blog memebers...

How and where do you go for information regarding applicant tracking systems?

Many thanks in advance!


Views: 102

Comment by Ron Allison on April 6, 2008 at 8:01pm
Hi Alisha,

There are many out there, but I find taht most are web based which I'm not a big fan of.
Some of the recruiters I work with use " PAD" Personnel Advantage Database, I think the company is Enigma Software. ( I don't use it thought, but they swear by it)

I will be looking for one in the near future myself.

When I come across new info i will let you know.

Actually so far your the only other CDN I have come across, i just signed up.

All the best.

Comment by Alisha Smith on April 7, 2008 at 11:26am
Welcome aboard! :)
Comment by Ron Allison on April 7, 2008 at 11:49am
Comment by Farhan Ahmed on November 3, 2008 at 3:02am
Hi guys.... i know some of you are not big fans of Web Based Applicant Tracking Systems, but for your convenience a very simple and comprehensive ATS is can check this out : ..............It has the longest Trial Period of 90 Days with full features.......No restrictions.........and an amazing support service.....


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