A three way recruiting domain name deal

Harry Joiner and I have logged a lot of hours on the phone solidifying a solid relationship based on the the love of two fundamental addictions in our life we both have. The first is recruiting and the second is domain names.

Two weeks ago Harry calls me up and says I just bought a really good domain name. I'm jealous immediately and he then shows me why it's so good but I don't need graphs or stuff to know it's good and he knows it but between our two approaches it was mutually agreed the price he paid was great. That was it.

Last week Harry calls me tells me about how he is going to buy the domain name ceosearch.com. The reason he wants it is because he recently bought ceojobs.com from me and he just feels he needs to have both and sometimes that's the way it has to be.

Over the next few days he comes close to a deal with the guy who owns ceosearch.com and after going over it with him, we both realize he needs to make a new deal and says to me, you know what? you work the deal to acquire the domain name I really want and then I will give you the great domain name I bought last week that you really want. Simple trade. I said ok.

So that is what we did and we both ended up with what we wanted. Harry got ceosearch.com and I got DirectorJobs.com today officially.

The other thing is that I am pretty sure I was the original owner of that domain name way back and somehow I let it drop because of disorganization. Imagine that.

Views: 94

Comment by Harry Joiner on June 25, 2009 at 1:24pm
Everyone involved got a great deal. and I was happy that I was able to pick up ceosearch.com.


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