Access Personnel Files From Anywhere During The Coronavirus Shutdown

With COVID-19 disrupting business processes across the globe, a secure HR file cloud has become more important than ever.  When there is an urgent need to access crucial personnel documents, is your team prepared?

If personnel files are on paper or just difficult to access from outside of the office, now is the time to prioritize HR's file management strategy.  Here are a few things to consider when it comes to personnel files and remote access for your HR team during the coronavirus shutdown. 

Instant Access

How long does it take to find a specific document for any given employee?  What if you're working from home and unable to be in the office?  It's crucial to know that HR can reach important personnel documents with just a couple clicks - from anywhere.  A secure HR file cloud provides an easy to way to stay connected. 

Audit Readiness

A file request can come from an auditor, attorney, or management at anytime.  Are your personnel files ready when the time comes?  Ensuring folders include all required documents - and that those documents are not expired - keeps your team prepared.  With the right HR file solution, you can track important documents to always know personnel files are ready for upcoming audits.

Document Updates

What if your personnel files are missing critical documentation?  Are you able to append and update files remotely?  HR should be able to easily add documents to personnel folders and have staff complete forms online if need be.  Nowadays, there's no reason not to have an up-to-date personnel file, even when working from home.  

Get Up To Speed Today

DynaFile is a secure HR file cloud that makes managing personnel documents easy from anywhere.  Be up and running fast with expert assistance and over 20 years of experience.  Contact us to get setup today

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