Are Millennials not so concerned with the Job Search game...

It is often the case that recruitment agency or hiring managers in Manila have a notion about millennial workers that they change jobs more often than their counterparts, viz. baby boomers and Gen Xers.  Although stereotyping millennials may seem a bit harsh, it doesn’t rule out the fact that 75% of millennials aged between 18and 34 are of the opinion that job-hopping will help them build a successful career that’s why job search becomes an integral part of their routine. For baby boomers, this concept of continually looking for a better job prospect is like an oddball practice. They prefer staying in a company for years if everything is hunky dory. Many Gen Xers have been working in their organizations for decades.

Due to this reason, Millennials are often depicted in a bad light for not being able to stay in a company for a considerable period of time. That’s why consistency plays an important part in safeguarding a job-hopper against the frustrating job search process. In the case of Gen Xers that are aged between 35 and 54, a staggering 59 % of these people prefer changing jobs frequently. This all boils down to that one essential question: why are millennials not so happy with the idea of staying in a particular company for a long period of time? The younger workforce is said to be more expressive and keen on tapping the right job opportunities come what may. Here’s a rundown on the reasons that explain such tendency of millennials:

Total Internal Satisfaction vs. bigger paychecks

For a vast majority of millennials, job satisfaction matters the most.  They always prefer their personal contribution to the overall growth of the company than staying for a prolonged period in that organization.  Millennials are always driven by their purpose and passion rather than job stability or paychecks. If they do not find the work substantial or intriguing enough, chances are high that you will again find them involved in another job search. They crave for worthwhile experiences that help them nurture their skillsets and overall personality.

The prevalence of the gig economy

A gig economy is marked by the rising number of short term contracts or freelance jobs as opposed to traditional jobs.  Breaking the monotony with flexible job culture seems enticing to many and in years to come, it won’t be wrong to say that freelancers will constitute a big chunk of the workforce. Earlier, workers had no other option than 9-5 jobs; and now, it is possible to take up freelance projects and part-time gigs to make the most out of your skill sets.  For millennials, new job search becomes even more meaningful as they can explore different opportunities and expand the horizon of their professional network at a rapid pace. This way, they feel more at ease in finding meaningful work for their needs.

Acquiring Skills Better, Faster

Working in a new organization has its own advantages as an employee can always learn something new in the workplace. He/she can learn to attain new skills and experience different work cultures and gain an understanding of various office dynamics that would definitely increase their chances of getting new opportunities as such curious candidates are deemed suitable for new, challenging roles.


Identifying the core reasons why millennials are actively involved in the job search process can help them gain consistency in the workplace. It goes without saying that a team of young professionals that stays for a long time in your company will definitely add to the overall performance of your organization. Millennials hate monotonous experiences, so it’s imperative that they should be assigned with learning –intensive and challenging tasks that would give them a sense of fulfillment.

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