Are You on The Move? Here's What You Need To Know When Hiring Movers

An average of 14.19% of the U.S. population moves to new homes every year. This increase in demand for movers has greatly improved the industry. Thus, there are many companies available for your disposal, but that does not mean you don’t need to screen them carefully.

Let's say you need to hire a mover to give you help moving to Lexington. The first thing that you need to do every time you move is for you to check what type of mover you will be hiring. To help guide you, here are some questions that you must answer first.

1. Where are you moving?

Interstate Move/Long Distance Moving means that you will be moving from one state to a different state. It also pertains to moving within your current state and traveling across international borders. On the other hand, Intrastate Move/Local Moving means that you will be moving to another location within the same state.

It is important to know that each type of moving comes with their own rules and regulations. Thus, your choice will define what kind of movers you need to hire and what budget range should you expect when you hire them.

You must do some research before you hire a moving company. At this point, you should already have a list of at least ten companies. You must be ready to call, question and research about each one of them so that you can get the best company for your move.

2. Is the moving company registered with the government?

Over the recent years, a number suspicious companies have made their way into the industry. It is because of this that you have to check if the companies you are permitting to touch your belongings are registered with the government. You may also check the website of the Better Business Bureau.

3. When can someone from the company come to your home for an estimate?

Most companies would prefer to do the estimates through the phone. Do not accept that or do not agree to that arrangement. For them to give you a proper estimate, they must inspect the house and the items that you plan to move.

4. What kind of estimate do you need?

Different types of moving mean different types of estimates. Always check if you are getting the right rate. Do not choose a moving company based on their prices alone, though. The price may be the lowest, but is also the lowest quality of service.

5. What other fees do you need to pay for other than the moving fees?

Fees and additional charges may be added if you don’t know what actions are considered “extra services.” For this reason, you must ask this question to the company. Don't be surprised when the amount they charge you at the end is higher than the original estimate.

6. What are the other details that can you find under the company’s name?

Questions such as this should be asked during the estimator’s visit. More information about the company you plan to hire is important. By the end of their visit you should at least have the following information:

● Full name of the company
● The address, email, web address and other contact information
● Company’s references
● USDOT (U.S. Department of Transportation) license number

Of course, when all asked companies guarantee that they have a 100% client satisfaction. No one would want to list down the complaints that their company has received in fear of losing business. However, you must be keen in reading bad reviews, too.

Final Words

In addition to the information you'll get during your talk with the company, call the FMCSA’s Safety Violation and Consumer Complaints hotline (888-368-7238). You can ask about possible complaints against the moving company.

Ultimately, this should help you find the perfect company to entrust your possession. Choose wisely and good luck on your move!

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