Best 7 Recruitment Marketing Articles of the Week (4.10.10 – 4.16.10)

Originally posted on the SmashFly Recruitment Marketing Blog.

Here is our weekly feature in which we share the top articles we enjoyed from the past week about recruitment marketing. This week’s topics include the top Talent Management influencers , Twitter’s new business model, the “1 page” resume, one great sports analogy, a recruiting transformation, recruiting trends and some Twitter Grammar tips.

Here are the articles that peaked our interest this week (in no particular order), enjoy!:

Top 25 Influencers in Talent Management by John Sumser (@JohnSumser)

I love lists (especially this blog article) and this is a great list of the top influencers in the Talent Management space. John has also done lists for HR and Recruiters which I encourage you to check out.

Implications of Twitter’s Biz Model for Social Recruiting by Omowale Casselle (@mysensay)

The big news about Twitter this week is that they will be launching promoted tweet advertising on their site. Omowale tackles the big questions on how this might change Twitter for recruiters.

The Story of Garret Jones by Steve Boese’s (@SteveBoese)

Love the sports analogy in this piece. Steve writes about journeyman baseball player Garret Jones and how we can apply lessons from his story to help identify under the radar talent in your organization.

Why Recruiting is in the Midst of a Transformation by Kevin Wheeler (@kwheeler)

Great piece by Kevin, where he takes a look at how the recession has changed the way companies may look at recruiting and what that means for the industry.

Notes from the Frontline: Emerging Trends in Recruiting by Eric WineGardner (@ewMonster)

Eric talks about the big 3 trends that are emerging in Recruiting: Technology, Social Recruiting and Retention. I agree that these are the three to watch for!

Kawasaki’s “1 Page Resume” Rule Re-visited by Tim Collins (@stafflinks)

Tim takes a look at Guy Kawasaki’s quote on never having your resume over 1 page and why it might not be right in most cases.

Grammar Girl’s Strunk & Twite: An Unofficial Twitter Style Guide by Grammar Girl (@grammargirl) (courtesy of @Cheryl_Hilpert)

As you use Twitter more often, you begin to realize the little tricks to get the most of your 140 characters. But you don’t want to do so at the sake of poor grammar and sounding like a teenager. Here are some tips to live by (all in under 140 characters.)

Hope you enjoy the list. If you have any articles I should add to the list feel free to add them to the comments or send me an email at

About the Author: Chris is the Marketing Analyst for SmashFly Technologies. SmashFly provides a recruitment marketing platform that enables companies to easily launch and more importantly measure their recruiting efforts online to help them build their Talent Network.

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