Calling All Recruiters: We Want Your ‘Craziest Recruiting Story of 2010’!

In the world of recruiting, anything can happen . . . just ask a recruiter.  Which is what we at Top Echelon are doing right now.

We’re currently accepting submissions for your craziest recruiting story of 2010.  It could be a story about clients.  It could be a story about candidates.  It could be a story about another recruiter.  It could be a story that involves all three.  It doesn’t matter.  It just has to be something wild, outrageous, and if possible, unbelievable.  Because after all, no matter how unbelievable it might seem, if it happened in recruiting, it probably happened.

The world of recruiting is stranger than fiction.

The deadline for submitting your craziest recruiting story of the year is Wednesday, December 29—a little less than two weeks from today.  After collecting the stories submitted to us, Top Echelon officials will select a winner, “The Top Echelon Craziest Recruiting Story of the Year,” and announce the winner in both the Recruiter Training Blog and also on “Top Echelon TV.”

When we announce the winner, we'll relay the story and also mention the recruiter who submitted it and their firm’s name and location.  (With your permission, of course.  We understand if you want to submit a story, but would like to remain anonymous, especially if the story involves a client.)

There are two ways you can submit your “Craziest Recruiting Story”:

  1. You can email your story to
  2. You can post the story by including it in the comments section at the end of this post on the Top Echelon Recruiter Training Blog.

Once again, the deadline for submitting your “Craziest Recruiting Story of 2010” is Wednesday, December 29.  We’ll announce the winner during the first part of January in the Recruiter Training Blog and also on “Top Echelon TV.”

What crazy things have happened to you this past year?  What things have made you want to pull out your hair and hang up your headset, question your sanity and the sanity of those around you, and seriously consider giving up the 9-to-5 grind and riding the rails instead.  (Okay, maybe not that last one.)

Submit your story . . . and may the “Craziest Recruiting Story” win!

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