Career Paths to Consider After You Leave the Military

Once you leave the military, you need to find a new career that fits the skills you learned. When applying for a new job, it can be hard to describe your military skills when filling out a civilian resume. But there are plenty of careers that would be a perfect fit for your military skills.

Government Contractor Jobs

Making the transition from the military to a government job might be the easiest career path. Working in the government is often comparable to the military, and many of the skills you learned in the military are necessary for government work. For example, you have likely gained exceptional communication and organization experience as well as teamwork skills. In some of these jobs, having a security clearance can be a big plus.

Security Guard

Some of the most in-demand jobs for those retiring from the military are jobs in the security industry. You have already training in staying alert and responding quickly as well as many other skills, which would be necessary for a job as a security guard.

You might already hold a clearance, which is usually good for two years after leaving the military. Some of the jobs in this field would include gate security guard, chief security officer, hospital security guard, or in charge of security at a large corporation.

Construction Worker

The construction industry is always going to have a demand for new employees. Having experience or certification in the military with heavy equipment will allow you to easily begin a new career in construction.

Construction companies are always looking for heavy equipment operators and specialized labor positions in the industry. There is a nonprofit group called Helmets to Hardhats that can help veterans get started in a construction career.

Fitness Instructor

With fitness being an important aspect of military culture, the fitness industry could be a perfect fit for you. With over 42 percent of Americans classified as obese, the fitness industry is one of the hottest industries in the country.

As a veteran, you’re already used to physical fitness and know what it takes to get physically fit and stay in shape. Becoming a fitness instructor could be second nature to you and an excellent career to consider after leaving the military.


There is a high demand for jobs in cybersecurity and a shortage of those skilled in this field. With the constant threat from hacking, viruses, and ransomware, a career in cybersecurity could be a good career choice after leaving military service.

Even if your military experience wasn’t in computers, the cybersecurity industry needs people with attributes you probably acquired in the military. Attributes like discretion, the ability to follow procedural requirements, and attention to detail. Even if you know nothing about cybersecurity, there are programs for veterans that will teach you and help you get certified.

Each of these career paths could be perfect for anyone after leaving the military. These industries are looking for people with the skills and attributes that they learned in the military.

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