Competitive Analysis: How to Spy on Other Recruiters

In order to stay one step ahead of the competition you need to periodically do some competitive analysis. Luckily for you there are some great online tools available to help:

Google Alerts
Allows you to create a custom alert that notifies everytime Google indexes something new about your competitors.

Yahoo! Alerts
Allows you to create a custom alert that notifies everytime Yahoo! indexes something new about your competitors.

Live / Bing Alerts
Allows you to create a custom alert that notifies everytime Microsoft Live / Bing indexes something new about your competitors.

Allows you to see how much your competitors are spending in Pay Per Click advertising and what keywords they are buying.

Using these tools will help you improve your competitive analysis and stay one step ahead of the competition. And, if you’re interested in stealing more online traffic away from your competitions and creating a stronger online presence, please download our Recruiting and Staffing SEO Guide or call me today at 888-696-2900 and I would be happy to share some secrets!

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