Creative Resumes: How Creative is Too Creative?

Hiring managers receive many resumes for each job posting. Candidates who want to get a jump on the competition find creative ways to make their resume stand out. A creative resume can help you get noticed and increase your chances of getting an interview.

But sometimes candidates go too far with their creativity.

Making your resume stand out from the crowd can be a difficult task.

The main purpose of a resume is to help you get an interview. Most resumes look pretty much the same - there are some bold headings, maybe some bullet points here and there, and a font change or two. If you plan to be creative with your resume, you need to be sure it is still informative and easy to read. If your resume is confusing or it lacks clarity, it's likely to get tossed.

Below are some ideas to add creativity to your resume. However, you should only use one or two of these suggestions. Too much creativity is not always a good thing.

  • Change fonts within your resume - a bold font for headings and a narrow and clean font for the details. You can also step away from the most common fonts such as Times Roman and Arial, but choose wisely. Don't use an informal font such as Comic Sans, and don't use any script fonts. If you're going to email your resume, stick with the common fonts so the format doesn't change when the reader opens it on the computer.
  • If you're applying for a job in a creative industry, such as graphic design or advertising, then it's okay to add graphics and additional design elements. If you don't have a graphics background, don't attempt this.
  • Add a change of color in one or two places, like your name or headings. Keep it subtle, and don't go overboard.
  • If you have abilities that can be measured statistically, add a graph to your resume.
  • If you have additional information online, create a quick response (QR) code and direct readers to a website.

A QR code directs readers to a website where they can learn more about you.

Additionally, here are some general suggestions to keep in mind when creating your resume:

  • If the employer uses an applicant tracking system to automatically screen resumes based on keywords, submit a traditional and easy-to-read resume.
  • Incorporate keywords that match the job posting. This will help move your resume to the top of the pile.\
  • Have a trusted friend or family member proofread your resume for any typographical errors.
  • Don't write in first person. Begin most sentences with an action verb (managed, created, achieved).
  • Try to keep your resume to one page. Two pages are acceptable if you are a college graduate and have a fair amount of relevant experience.
  • Be honest. Don't lie or even exaggerate on your resume.
  • Remove any information regarding age, marital status, religion, hobbies, children, etc.

In short, the resume should match the job you're applying for. If the company is known for thinking outside the box, then a creative resume could get you a phone call for an interview. However, if the company is conventional, you should probably stick with a traditional resume.

Amy Kirkegaard is a freelance writer who writes on a variety of topics, including social media, online reputation management, and mobile payments. She previously worked in marketing and human resources for an oilfield equipment manufacturer.

Views: 352

Comment by Keith D. Halperin on October 8, 2013 at 6:02pm

IMHO: whatever gets you in the door is OK.


Comment by Keith D. Halperin on October 8, 2013 at 6:04pm

I was too quick:

Whatever gets you in the door and is truthful  is OK.




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