Social Media: Is Your Activity Impacting Your Job Search?

Social media has changed the hiring process immensely, particularly for those seeking job interviews. Hiring managers who search an applicant's name will most likely discover at least one active social media profile.

Even if your resume paints you to be the perfect candidate for the position, your social media activity could prevent you from getting a job interview. While it may be fun to share your adventures with your family and friends on Facebook or Twitter, you may not want your potential employers to see the pictures from your exciting (and possibly debauchery-filled) weekend getaway.

Don't let social media keep you from getting a job interview

A 2013 CareerBuilder study showed that 43% of hiring managers who currently research candidates via social media have found information that deterred them from hiring a job candidate.

Here are some ways to tidy up your social media profiles, especially if you are looking for a job.

  • Profile.

    Keep your profile simple. While you may be passionate about your children, political causes, or religious beliefs, this information gives the interviewer the opportunity to unintentionally discriminate against you. Also be sure your profile is accurate. Don't exaggerate your education or skills. Choose a tasteful profile picture - ideally a recent photo where you are professionally dressed and ready to do the job for which you are applying.


  • Privacy.

    If your pages are public, change the settings to private. Review your settings often, as social media sites frequently update their settings. Your settings may have changed from private to public without your knowledge.


  • Past.

    Review your past posts and photos, and remove any that are inappropriate. Also remove any showing you to be a less-than-ideal employee. Complaints about your job, your boss, your coworkers - those all need to be deleted. Also monitor any posts or photos you are tagged in. Your friends may not choose to be as careful as you are.


  • Present.

    Keep your social media postings and status updates tasteful. Avoid foul language and personal insults. Continually monitor your profile, tags, and photos to make sure they are up to par.


  • Future.

    Going forward, make sure your posts and photos are professional and appropriate. You never know when you might get a phone call for another job interview.

When you think your social media pages are squeaky clean, ask a good friend to take a look at your postings to see if there is anything you've missed. Also, since hiring managers are most likely to look at LinkedIn first, spend extra time beefing up your profile. Make sure your profile matches your resume--any discrepancies could come up in a job interview. Update it if necessary.

Use social media to boost your chances of getting a job interview, but remember: Social media is powerful. Highlight your experience, post links to current articles relevant to your industry, and follow any companies for which you are interested in working.

Amy Kirkegaard is a freelance writer who writes on a variety of topics, including social media and online reputation management. She previously worked in marketing and human resources for an oilfield equipment manufacturer.

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