Another shot weekend.  I'll be weeding through a ka-zillion resumes over the weekend once again.  Though as a personal highlight I'm looking forward to seeing the Superman movie.  We're cheap so we'll probably hit the matinee.  (Christopher Nolan and comic flicks is a great combo.)

OK so I got the story from one of my clients which is a combination of four companies that merged in the last six months.  They have plants sprinkled throughout the Midwest and guess what... they need Quality people at all of them.  So I turned our inhouse PC on to the quality professionals in our database (we have something like 5,000 - all automotive - by the way) and our summer co-op (AKA my 15 year old) to start calling.  In the meantime, I contact a select number of clients that also have plants and left messages asking if they had needs in quality at their plants.  This way we can gain some economies of scale as we reach out to thousands of candidates over the next four or five days. 

Our objective will be to feed the very, very best 3-5 candidates into HR on each role at each location by Tuesday of next week.  In my conversation with my contact at their corporate headquarters, I found out she's buried under dozens (Holy - rhymes with split - !!!) of job openings.  It's time to make hay.

Then this morning, I found out there was a big of flip-flop at another client and I have a brand new HR contact.  This is always the walking on eggshells part for me.  Here's a company I've worked with for many moons with lots of placements.  Through a brief e-mail exchange we were soon on the phone and guess what .... she just had a quality person quit at their place and they need someone by a week from Monday. 

Just got off the phone with another client and we finished prioritizing the five candidates he phone interviewed.  One failed and two were hot.  The other two will be backups.  He's bringing in the two next week for face-to-face meetings with him and they'll invite one back to meet the head honcho.  We have a plan. 

Sadly, I had two people interview with yet another client and both bombed badly.  This was a very targeted skills based role (I know...I know...they all are...but...) so I know our population of potential candidates is scarce.  I've direct recruited several people over (cough, cough) the last six months.  No one is sticking.  My conversation of how these interviews went bad from worse to pathetic had my HR contact and I literally laughing about this job order.  Come on people!!!  This is mine.  It's all mine if I could only get one "bulls eye" of a candidate.  By the way, regarding this morning's candidate, she said those horrifying words..."Have you met (such and such)?"  It's OK.  We're feeling each other's pain.  Requisition is still open.  I'm still out a fee.  Will keep hunting.

Gosh.  No snarky stories today.  No time.  Guess you can imaging what time it is this late Friday afternoon.  :)

- Steve.... up, up, and away!

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