Crawled into the office this morning after a five mile morning run that didn't go so hot. And what was waiting in my voicemail inbox????
Answer: Only a 1 minute 58 second message from the Vice President of Sales at a HUMUNGOUS Tier 1 automotive supplier expressing that his Program Management group is in dire need for NOT ONE, NOT TWO, BUT THREE Program Managers here in Day-twah! (That's Detroit for outsiders.)
So I waited a couple hours because I'm so busy and gave him a call back on his personal cell phone and kicked off the deal! YAY!
But before that (!!!!), first thing in the morning, after booting my computer, I jumped into our database and did a search for Program Managers (Boolean code "Program Manager" for ya'll noobs) at a 20 mile radius of City X where my client's HQ is located. Results: 1400 Candidates.
So I drafted a quick note for a VERY TARGETED E-MAIL BLAST and two minutes later the messages were gone. Like 1400 bobbers bobbing in the pond.
Throughout the day, candidates e-mail and called inquiring. In my office, these calls average two minutes. So I'll explain. In two minutes, I qualify the candidate (degree, commute, reason for looking, scope of the job, company name, company website, and (!) interest level). While all of this information is being verbally exchanged, I'm preparing an e-mail to the POC at my client and attaching the candidate's resume. When the candidate says "yes", I press send. This leaves an archived e-mail that is saved for five years in my Sent folder which is the way we track our sendouts here.
By the way, we don't mess with a candidate's resume. We don't remove their contact information. We don't stamp it with our information. We don't alter it in any way. We send the resume intact. Having said that, we also READ the resume. I happen to have some weird sixth sense about spelling and won't send a resume with problems. Contact me if you want to discuss this paragraph.
The rest of the day was same-old, same-old. Admittedly, I marketed very little and will focus on that for the whole day tomorrow.
Before knocking off for the day, I said to myself outloud "what the heck" (not really) and decided to call my HR contact regarding a JO in another state where, last week, my candidate rejected a job offer. HR guy answers...some pleasantries...and then I inquired on the job order. He tells me they worked it out and the guy's starting in a couple weeks. Drug test done, B/G check done, and the guy gave notice Tuesday with no counter at this point. This deal requires the candidate to move back home closer to family so he's taking advantage of the company's relo system and has already started scheduling stuff. NO! I'm not going shopping for something special. The bubbly in the fridge will NOT be opened. And I will patiently wait for the start date to arrive. THEN we celebrate! KER-CHING!
Don't even ask me about the game last night!
- Steve
Hi Steve,
Just wanted to let you know am enjoying this series of daily posts. I also listened to the Animal show you appeared on after reading about it here and thought it was interesting the response from most of the crowd to your email blasts, that they so quickly considered it spam. I guess I just assumed that all recruiters maximize their databases this way, because sending very targeted emails after doing a search in our database is the first thing we do with every new search, and by far the most effective overall. We've placed so many great people who came to us after someone referred one of our emails to them.
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