Does a Career of Skin Care Specialist have growth?

Skin care specialists are often called aestheticians. These are the artists that are equipped with high tech medical tools that help people achieve the optimum health of their skin, remove hair, blemishes. They also consult people on the healthy living habits for betterment of their skin and help them evaluate the health of their skin. Now a days skin care specialists are in demand more than ever as people have started emphasizing more on their looks and the signs of aging is one of the first things they want to get rid of with the help of a skin care specialist.

Salons, spas, health clinics, Beauty parlors and hospitals, these are some of the probable employees of skin care specialist. According to a recent study, as much as 4, 00,000 skin care specialists were operative in the world in 2014. Out of these, as much as half of them were working for themselves by means of consultancy or clinic of their own. Expert from gives us the insights into the career of a skin specialist.

Required qualification

A bachelor’s degree in cosmetology with specialization in skin care is necessary to have a strong base in this field. After this basic course, one may opt for a specialized masters course where in one can learn more about plastic surgeries or laser operations or skin care etc.

Because of the nature of this career, and the lives at stake, Skin care specialists must be licensed from the government of that country. These licenses are restricted for that particular country only as the laws differ in different countries, and in some cases they are also different in different states.

There are also a couple of exams that a licensed practitioner is supposed to give every alternate year to keep up with the latest in the industry. And to make sure that he is able to serve the best to its clients and to the society.

Apart from this, there are certain skills that even though aren’t necessary but will help a great deal in making a good career as a vitamin specialist. People skills, speaking skills, these skills if not inborn, the practitioner must make an effort so as to take efforts and develop the same. As the profession involves interacting with people and patients, it is important to acquire these essential skills.

Job description

As a skin care specialist, evaluation of the condition of the skin of a client is one of the primary tasks. Upon proper assessment, advising and consulting the patient with the likely and probable causes of the deficiencies if any in the skin and the remedies or solutions in the case is done.

As new trends catch up, laser treatment to remove unwanted hair is a popular task of a skin care specialist. As a specialist one must also recommend skin care lotions, cleansers and creams to patients as per their skin type. Work closely with the dermatologist of a client to better understand the case and prescribe a better solution to the problem.

Also as a skin care specialist, one must also personally know how to take care of all the equipments in the clinic. These equipments are not only very expensive but are also extremely sensitive hence require utmost attention and care while cleaning the same.

Growth in the career

Many skin care specialist start their career as assistant to a dermatologist understanding the basics of the industry. With time and experience, the skin care specialist may start his or her individual practice or get themselves attached with a hospital or a clinic in capacity of a senior skin specialist or an associate or even a director of the dermatology department.

For more information, please visit this site

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